Search Results

[Leuresthes tenuis]

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Coll No. Family Genus Species Count Min Size Max Size Country Locality Coordinates Date
SIO 51-153 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 3 9.5 mm 11.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off end of SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°16.0'W 07May1951
SIO 51-280 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off La Jolla, ca 5 mi NW of Casa Manana 32°51.0'N, 117°16.0'W 30Jul1951
SIO 52-134 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 11 40.0 mm 48.0 mm Mexico Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino, off Cedros Village 28°15.0'N, 114°10.0'W 12Aug1952
SIO 52-178 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 56 7.0 mm 34.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: kelp bed off San Onofre, anchor station A, “Operation Red Water” 33°22.0'N, 117°34.0'W 22Jul1952
SIO 52-201 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 52.0 mm Mexico E side of Punta Cono 29°06.0'N, 114°42.0'W 03Sep1952
SIO 52-202 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 2 58.0 mm 63.0 mm Mexico 0.5 mi N of Punta Blanca 29°06.7'N, 114°42.5'W 04Sep1952
SIO 54-185 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA Santa Catalina Island: at isthmus 33°27.1'N, 118°30.2'W 13Sep1954
SIO 54-192 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 60.5 mm USA Santa Barbara Co.: Santa Cruz Island: Willows anchorage 33°25.7'N, 119°45.2'W 18Jul1954
SIO 59- 14 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 9999 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: Mission Bay: Atlantic/Pacific Coves 32°47.0'N, 117°15.0'W 22Jan1959
SIO 59-300 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 142.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 19Sep1959
SIO 60-364 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 25 48.0 mm 72.0 mm Mexico Sandy beach at N end of Bahia Magdalena, 200 yds E of lagoon 24°44.2'N, 111°58.5'W 23Aug1960
SIO 61-420 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 9999 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: beach at SIO 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 03May1946
SIO 61-508 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off La Jolla 32°51.0'N, 117°16.0'W 04Jun1961
SIO 62-278 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 147.0 mm USA Orange Co.: Aliso Creek, pool at Hwy 101 bypass 33°31.0'N, 117°45.0'W 13Jun1962
SIO 63- 22 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 9999 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club 32°51.0'N, 117°16.0'W 31Jan1963
SIO 65- 77 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 2 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: San Diego Bay, at bait barge 32°46.0'N, 117°13.0'W 07Mar1965
SIO 68-381 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 130.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: Del Mar 32°53.0'N, 117°15.0'W 25May1948
SIO 74- 57 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 18 132.0 mm 170.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club 32°51.0'N, 117°16.0'W 10Apr1974
SIO 75-654 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 45 33.0 mm 49.0 mm Mexico Punta Abrejos, Punta Baleza 26°44.0'N, 113°35.0'W 24Jul1975
SIO 75-670 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 7 31.0 mm 38.5 mm Mexico Puerto Sto Domingo, Laguna Manuela 28°14.0'N, 114°08.5'W 05Aug1975
SIO 79- 74 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 100 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA fish hatchery
SIO 48- 45 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis crameri 30 0.0 mm 0.0 mm Mexico Turtle Bay: slough N of bay 27°42.6'N, 114°52.9'W 06Feb1948