Search Results

[Leuresthes tenuis]

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Coll No. Family Genus Species Count Min Size Max Size Country Locality Coordinates Date
SIO 16- 80 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 6 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA Monterey Co.: Del Monte Beach 36°36.0’N, 121°56.0’W 03Jun1969
SIO 44- 32A Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 66.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: Point Loma: spit just S of Yacht Harbor 32°42.7'N, 117°14.1'W 13Dec1944
SIO 44- 38 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 17 42.0 mm 99.0 mm USA Los Angeles Co.: San Pedro: Cabrillo Beach breakwater 33°43.0'N, 118°17.0'W 26Dec1944
SIO 45- 15 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 100 0.0 mm 0.0 mm Mexico Estero de Punta Banada 31°46.5'N, 116°15.4'W 09Feb1945
SIO 45- 35 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 77 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: beach at SIO 32°51.8'N, 117°15.2'W 15Mar1945
SIO 45- 40 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 19 132.0 mm 161.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: beach at SIO 32°51.8'N, 117°15.2'W 30Mar1945
SIO 45- 56 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA Monterey Co.: Monterey Bay: off Del Monte Beach 36°36.2'N, 121°52.8'W 17Apr1945
SIO 45- 60A Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 316 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: La Jolla Bay 32°51.4'N, 117°15.3'W 28Apr1945
SIO 45- 77 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 185 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: beach at La Jolla Bay 32°51.4'N, 117°15.3'W 28May1945
SIO 45-112 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 4 28.5 mm 42.5 mm USA San Diego Co.: N of La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club 32°51.0'N, 117°16.0'W 18Jul1945
SIO 45-120A Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 23.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: Point Loma, just S of Yacht Harbor 32°42.7'N, 117°14.0'W 26Jul1945
SIO 45-123 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 42 7.0 mm 13.5 mm USA San Diego Co.: off end of SIO Pier 32°52.1'N, 117°15.4'W 27Jul1945
SIO 45-125 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 5 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off end of SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°15.3'W 04Aug1945
SIO 45-138 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 15 19.0 mm 147.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: at end of SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 01Sep1945
SIO 45-145A Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 9999 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: mouth of Mission Bay from surf to bridge 32°45.5'N, 117°14.9'W 10Sep1945
SIO 45-154 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 2 20.5 mm 23.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: Mission Bay: E side of Point Medanos 32°45.5'N, 117°14.9'W 21Sep1945
SIO 45-199 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 2 41.5 mm 41.5 mm USA San Diego Co.: San Diego Bay: strand S of Del Coronado Hotel 32°38.3'N, 117°08.4'W 18Nov1945
SIO 46- 48 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 250 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off end of SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°15.4'W 11Jun1946
SIO 46- 55 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 25.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: San Diego River, near airport 32°46.0'N, 117°13.0'W 28Jun1946
SIO 46- 63 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 550 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off end of SIO Pier, from platform below pier with flood light 32°52.0'N, 117°15.4'W 03Jul1946
SIO 46- 67 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 3 33.5 mm 61.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club 32°51.0'N, 117°16.0'W 12Jul1946
SIO 46- 68B Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 3 11.0 mm 12.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: kelp bed off La Jolla Point 32°51.2'N, 117°16.5’W 13Jul1946
SIO 46- 75 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 2 34.5 mm 50.5 mm USA San Diego Co.: Mission Bay: near Point Midanos 32°47.0'N, 117°15.0'W 20Jul1946
SIO 46- 76 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 8 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 22Jul1946
SIO 46- 77 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 45 39.0 mm 59.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: beach in front of SIO beach wall 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 23Jul1946
SIO 46- 80 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 1 0.0 mm 7.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off SIO beach 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 30Jul1946
SIO 46- 85 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 7 50.0 mm 58.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: of end of SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 06Aug1946
SIO 46- 91 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 3 158.0 mm 166.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: beach just S of SIO 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 15Aug1946
SIO 46-215 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 9999 0.0 mm 0.0 mm Mexico Cedros Island: around village on E shore 28°07.5'N, 115°11.0'W 20Aug1946
SIO 47- 41 Atherinopsidae Leuresthes tenuis 9999 0.0 mm 0.0 mm USA San Diego Co.: off end of SIO Pier 32°52.0'N, 117°15.0'W 14Apr1947