[Leuresthes sardina]
42 records | CSV DownloadColl No. | Family | Genus | Species | Count | Min Size | Max Size | Country | Locality | Coordinates | Date |
SIO 61-182 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 1 | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | Mexico | San Felipe Bay, San Felipe at Las Arenas Trailer Camp at S. end of coconut lagoon about 1 km S of village center | 30°59.5'N, 114°49.6'W | 30Apr1961 |
SIO 61-184 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 1 | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | Mexico | Bahia San Luis Gonzaga | 29°49.3'N, 114°24.4'W | 02May1961 |
SIO 61-185 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 3 | 18.5 mm | 55.0 mm | Mexico | Bahia de Los Angeles | 28°56.3'N, 113°34.3'W | 04May1961 |
SIO 62-228 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 5 | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | Mexico | Bahia de Los Angeles, S arm of bay | 28°55.6'N, 113°33.8'W | 24Apr1962 |
SIO 62-231 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 1 | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | Mexico | Bahia de Los Angeles, Punta Arena, near tip (widely overlapping with SIO 62-222) | 28°57.22'N, 113°32.53'W | 25Apr1962 |
SIO 62-238 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 1 | 0.0 mm | 0.0 mm | Mexico | Bahia de Los Angeles, Isla Cabeza de Caballo | 28°58.6'N, 113°30.4'W | 28Apr1962 |
SIO 63-484 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 1 | 0.0 mm | 155.0 mm | Mexico | mouth of Rio Colorado | 31°33.0'N, 114°19.0'W | 19Mar1956 |
SIO 65- 86 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 7 | 137.0 mm | 171.0 mm | Mexico | 2.8 mi N of Puertecitos | 30°25.0'N, 114°39.0'W | 20Mar1965 |
SIO 68-147 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 2 | 61.0 mm | 71.0 mm | Mexico | San Felipe | 31°00.0'N, 114°52.0'W | 01Aug1965 |
SIO 70- 72 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 2 | 40.0 mm | 44.0 mm | Mexico | S side of Punta Lesna | 27°57.0'N, 111°07.0'W | 18Mar1970 |
SIO 70- 74 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 29 | 22.0 mm | 47.0 mm | Mexico | S side of domed point S of Cerro Colorado | 27°17.2'N, 111°25.7'W | 19Mar1970 |
SIO 70- 88 | Atherinopsidae | Leuresthes | sardina | 10 | 25.3 mm | 40.9 mm | Mexico | S of Cerro Colorado | 27°57.0'N, 111°07.0'W | 24Mar1970 |