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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD0296S0 Serpentinite Medium-sized (~9x7x4 cm) sample composed of abundant blue veins, large clasts or clusters of grey-blue (pyroxene-olivine) crystals in a peach matrix. The sample is brittle. Billet. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0297S0 Serpentinite A small sample composed of large (~1 cm diameter) green-gold books of phyllosilicate surrounding magnetite and pyroxene crystals, abundant thin blue veins. The sample is brittle. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0298S0 Serpentinite Large, oblong sample (~14x7x8 cm). Peach-colored matrix that becomes blue in the center. The sample has abundant blue and green serpentine veins, occasional small (~1 mm in diameter) magnetite crystals, and a patchy Fe-Mn crust. Billet and billet pieces. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0299S0 Serpentinite Two cut samples (~9x4x2.5 cm and ~4.5x5x4 cm). Both samples are mottled. Thin blue veins and thicker light green serpentinite veins cross-cutting a fine green-peach groundmass. Occasional very small magnetite crystals. Billet piece. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029AS0 Basalt Two very large cut samples (~21x11x7 cm and ~11x8x5 cm) with two smaller pieces. Black, porphyritic basalt with a glassy surface. White feldspar and green olivine crystals visible. Fe-stained bottom. Original label: 21 August, 1968. Basalt. SiO2 ~51.0, TiO2 ~1.10, Na2O ~2.76, K2O ~0.18, P2O5 ~0.10. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029BS0 Serpentinite Small (~6x3x3.5 cm), rounded sample. Teal serpentine with dark blue spots surrounding magnetite crystals. Teal serpentine vein in the sample. Two billet pieces. Original label: 21 August, 1968. Serpentinite. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029CS0 Serpentinite Large (~8x11x9 cm from the cut face) sample glued to a red plastic dredge cap. Green serpentinite with large blue crystals, white veins with blue rims, and patches of chrysotile. Some magnetite crystals. The top of the sample looks like a thin layer (~0.5 cm) of carbonate-supported breccia. Original label: 21 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029DS0 Basalt Small cut sample of vesicular porphyritic basalt; feldspar and pyroxene crystals are visible in the sample. White rind on sample. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029ES0 Basalt Small (~7.5x8x6 cm from the cut face) sample of vesicular porphyritic basalt; feldspar crystals are visible in the sample. Glassy top with white rind. Billet piece. Original label: 21 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029FS0 Basalt Large (~14x8x8 cm from the cut face) sample of vesicular porphyritic basalt; feldspar and olivine crystals are visible in the sample. Small glassy top. Billet and billet pieces. Thin section missing. Original label: 21 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029GS0 Basalt Large (~7x6x6.5 cm from the cut face) sample of vesicular porphyritic basalt; feldspar and pyroxene crystals are visible in the sample. Glassy top surface with some Fe-staining. White rind on the sides. Billet and billet pieces. Thin section missing. Original label: 21 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029HS0 Basalt Very large (~11x12x8.5 cm from the cut face) sample of vesicular porphyritic basalt. Occasional feldspar crystals are visible in the sample. Thick Fe-Mn crust on the sample. A few chips in the Fe-Mn crust reveal a glassy surface on the top of the sample. Billet. Billet pieces. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029IS0 Basalt Large (~5.5x6x4 cm from the cut face) sample of vesicular basalt. Vesicles are small. Fe-Mn crust on the sample. Billet. Billet pieces. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD029JS0 Veins Large white carbonate veins in dark green, fine-grained serpentinite(?) Mexico 0 Ritter 154, 24 I
GRD029KS0 Relict Textures Stretch pebble conglomerate. Stretched white quartzite pebbles in a biotite-muscovite-quartz schist matrix. California 0 Ritter 154, 14 O
GRD029LS0 Folds Relict sandstone-limestone bedding that has been folded. The larger, grey beds are marble while the thinner beds are quartzite. One side of the sample is very weathered. Original label: folded intercalated sandstone-limestone. 0 Ritter 154, 24 I
GRD029MS0 Relict Textures Deformed/flattened quartzite pebbles in a gneissic matrix. Quartz-potassium feldspar- biotite-muscovite (trace)- amphibole (trace). Biotite mantles the quartzite pebbles. Original label: porphyroblastic gneiss. Arizona 0 Ritter 154, 14 O
GRD029NS0 Relict Textures Large sample of angular polymictic clasts in a matrix composed of quartz-feldspars-pyrite (trace). 0 Ritter 154, 17 B
GRD029OS0 Relict Textures Large cut sample with relict bedding structures. Beds are wavy. Abundant quartzite. Dolomite is not evident. Original label: Diopside-dolomite marble. 0 Ritter 154, 14 O
GRD029PS0 Relict Textures Three small samples of metaconglomerate. Stretched granite/diorite pebbles in schist matrix. Schist is composed of biotite-muscovite-quartz-pyrite Original label: Biotite-muscovite-quartz. Mica Schist Conglomerate. 0 Ritter 154, 24 H
GRD029QS0 Relict Textures Discontinuous relict laminations and cross-bedding in fine-grained quartzite. Original label: Zebra rock. Arizona 0 Ritter 154, 14 O
GRD029RS0 Relict Textures Amphibolite with quartz vein and pyrite-rich layers. Sample is capped by chlorite-biotite schist. Original label: Metagreywake. Wyoming 1 Ritter 154, 14 O
GRD029SS0 Relict Textures Black, fine-grained sample with sheared clasts. Low-grade metamorphism. Original label: Tillite (Metatillite). Coll. No. 69A. Vermont 0 Ritter 154, 24 H
GRD029TS0 Relict Textures Alternating dark green shale and grey fine-grained quartzite layers. Low-grade metamorphism. Original label: Low-grade chert or black shale? 0 Ritter 154, 14 O
GRD029US0 Relict Textures Fine-grained quartz-biotite-potassium feldspar. A large potassium feldspar crystal. Relict grains. Original label: Metagreywacke. Quartz-biotite. NW Corner LB Quad 0 Ritter 154, 24 H
GRD029VS0 Folds Banded, folded, and cut by quartz veinlets. Mainly cryptocrystalline materials (quartz, chlorite?) and relict soft-sediment structures. Banded hornfels? Original label: Serpentized gneiss. NW Corner LB Quad 0 Ritter 154, 24 I
GRD029WS0 Veins Relict sedimentary layers with slight foliation. Several generations of veins: warped veins in pinkish layer, small vertical veins in dark layer, large cross-cutting quartz. Alpine 1 Ritter 154, 14 P
GRD029XS0 Relict Textures Metagreywacke. Fine-grained quartz-biotite-plagioclase. Cryptocrystalline. A few stringers of quartz and plagioclase. Original label: Metagreywacke (Q-Bi-Pl). 0 Ritter 154, 24 I
GRD029YS0 Folds Very well-foliated (laminated), fine-grained schist. Quartz-riebeckite-amphibole-chlorite(?) schist. Nice differential slip microstructure. Original label: metasomatized serpentine schist. 1 Ritter 154, 24 I
GRD029ZS0 Layered Gneiss Coarse-grained potassium feldspar-quartz-biotite gneiss. Thin continuous and discontinuous bands. 0 Ritter 154, 24 A