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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD028CS0 Feldspathic Sandstone Impregnated (epoxy) sandstone. Concentric layers and cleavage/jointing. Fe-Mn crust on exterior. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 19 July, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028DS0 Feldspathic Sandstone Three uncut white, fine-grained powdery samples. One sample contains several bivalve shells (~1.5 cm in diameter). Black crystals with dendritic crystal growth on the other two samples. Original label: Dredge 76, Big rock sample. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028ES0 Basalt Two very large (~15x7x5 cm and ~22x7x7 cm) and three large (~8x8x3 cm) of basalt with large vesicles (~1 cm in diameter). Some clear/white crystal growth in vesicles of largest sample. Smallest sample is cut. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 1 August, 1968, Baie du Cap volcanics. Mauritius 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028FS0 Serpentinite Straight white serpentine veins and blue crystals (pyroxene?) in a green-blue glassy matrix. Original label: 8 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028GS0 Gabbro Very large (~10.5x8x12 cm from the larger cut surface) sample with green-black crystalline interior and a Fe-Mn crust. Billet. Original label: 8 August, 1968. SiO2 ~50.0, TiO2 ~0.30, Na2O ~2.95, K2O ~0.07, P2O5 <0.01. Olivine-Augite. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028HS0 Serpentinite Four uncut samples. Each are dark green pseudo-crystalline with light green veins and black spots. Fe-Mn crust. Largest sample is ~9x4x4 cm. Original label: 8 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028IS0 Serpentinite Two cut samples. The larger sample measures ~9x6x7 cm and appears to be layered (brown-green to teal-green to green-black crystalline) with small white veins. The smaller sample measures 7x4x2 cm is similarly layered but has more abundant veins. Billet piece. Original label: 8 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028JS0 Serpentinite Two cut samples and two uncut samples. Both sets look very different from one another. The uncut samples are green with fibrous green bands/veins (chrysotile?). The cut samples are pink-peach with green veins and blebs that appear to be fibrous/crystalline. Original label: 8 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028KS0 Serpentinite A small (~4x3x2.5 cm) uncut sample. Fe-Mn crust with a patch of green fibrous crystals. Original label: 8 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028LS0 Serpentinite A small (~4x3x2.5 cm) uncut sample with Fe-Mn crust. Original label: 8 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028MS0 Conglomerate One large (~7x4x6.5 cm) cut sample and two very small (~4x2x1 cm) uncut samples. Tan to green clasts (~ 3mm) in a greenish mudstone matrix. Patchy Fe-Mn crust. Original label: 12 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028NS0 Grainstone Large (~5.5x6.5x10 cm) white piece of carbonate cemented bivalve and coral fragments with patchy Fe-Mn crust. Original label: 12 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028OS0 Siltstone Two small (~3x3.5x2.5 cm) cut very fine-grained red samples. Slightly metamorphosed? Original label: 12 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028PS0 Sedimentary Five different types of sedimentary rocks. Two cream/light colored fine-grained grainstones; one conglomerate with subrounded grey (~5 mm) in a red/pink matrix; one very small friable lithic sandstone; one very small green-grey mudstone. Original label: 12 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028QS0 Carbonate 28 samples ranging in size from ~5.5x2.5x1 to ~0.5x0.5x0.5 cm. White carbonate interior with Fe-Mn crust on sample. No fossils are apparent. Billet. Original label: 12 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028RS0 Basalt Dark, fine-grained porphyritic basalt. Occasional euhedral to subhedral feldspar crystals. Fe-Mn crust on sample. Billet. Original label: 14 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028SS0 Basalt Dark, fine-grained sparsely porphyritic basalt with occasional very small euhedral to subhedral crystals. Fe-Mn crust on sample. Billet. Original label: 14 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028TS0 Basalt Dark, fine-grained basalt. Fe-Mn crust on sample. Billet. Original label: 14 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028US0 Basalt Dark, fine-grained basalt with occasional euhedral to subhedral crystals. Fe-Mn crust on sample. Billet. Original label: 14 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028VS0 Mafic Large cut sample which measures ~5x6.5x6.5 cm from cut surface. Fine-grained green-grey interior with thin, light pink veins. Very high specific gravity. Mn-Fe crust on sample Billet. Original label: 14 August, 1968; fault gouge. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028WS0 Mafic A very large cut sample, measures ~8x7x8 cm from cut surface. Fine-grained green-grey crystalline interior with black and yellow orbs ~2 mm in diameter. Very high specific gravity. Mn-Fe crust on sample. Billet. Original label: 14 August, 1968. Indian Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 34 A
GRD028XS0 Basalt Large (~10x9x11 cm) sample; Dark, fine-grained porphyritic basalt; occasional euhedral to subhedral feldspar crystals and subhedral olivine crystals; Sample has had cores drilled in three places. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD028YS0 Serpentinite Small (~4x5x5 cm) from the cut face) sample. Green, fine-grained groundmass with many thin, blue veins. Books of talc/muscovite visible on the surface and on the cut face of the sample. Orange Fe-staining on the surface. Indian Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD028ZS0 Serpentinite Small (~7x4.5x3 cm from the cut face) sample. Blue-green, fine-grained groundmass, which becomes more fractured in the interior with many thin, blue veins. Occasional magnetite crystals throughout and serpentine crystals visible on the surface sample. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0290S0 Serpentinite Very small sample (~3.5x3.5x0.5 cm). Many thin blue veins with peach, very fine-grained matrix. Original label: 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0291S0 Serpentinite Very small sample (~3.5x3.5x0.5 cm). Many thin blue veins in very fine-grained peach and blue matrix. Light green serpentine crystals on exterior. Billet. Original label: 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0292S0 Serpentinite Very small sample (~5x2x3 cm). Many small (~2 mm) green crystals in very fine-grained peach matrix. Light green serpentine crystals on exterior. Original label: 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0293S0 Serpentinite Light green-green matrix with cross-cutting blue veins. Billet and two billet pieces. Original label: 1968. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0294S0 Serpentinite Thin-section only. Original label: Dark Red - Spinel? pecotite. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B
GRD0295S0 Serpentinite Very small piece and billet. Abundant blue veins and small patches of chrysotile and pyroxene in fine-grained, green matrix. Indian Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 34 B