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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD026OS0 Syenite Small cut sample measures ~4x3x1.5 cm from the cut face. Medium-grained crystalline. Abundant white feldspar and greenish pyroxene. Billet and billet pieces. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026PS0 Serpentinite Small sample measuring ~4.5x2x4.5 from on the cut face. Medium-grained crystalline interior with abundant greenish pyroxene and serpentine. Billet. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026QS0 Andesite Small bag of three very small cut pieces. Grey fine-grained groundmass with black lath-like crystals. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026RS0 Diorite Small bag of two very small cut pieces. Fine-grained crystalline: quartz-amphibole-Fe-oxides. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026SS0 Limestone Five different samples: four are uncut in a plastic bag. One sample is cream-colored and vuggy with calcite filling-in the vugs. Another sample is a very fine-grained blue-green mudstone. Another is pink veins cross-cutting fine-grained white mudstone. The last sample is pink with light pink and brown clasts (volcaniclastic?) - similar to cut piece. The cut sample is not in the bag. It is cut into three pieces, one of which is a billet. White cross-cutting veins and brown clasts in fine-grained pink matrix. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026TS0 Diorite Cut sample (~5x4x5 cm) with light green crystalline interior, cross-cutting white veins and occasional red blebs. Patchy sandy rind on sample. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 27 October, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026US0 Basalt Cut sample (~5x6x3 cm on cut face), grey vesicular basalt, largest vesicle has 6 small puffs of crystals in it. Patchy sedimentary/sandstone rind billet pieces. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026VS0 Basalt Cut sample (~5x7x4 cm on cut face), rounded cobble with yellow rind. The interior is grey basalt, small black, green, and white crystals are visible. Billet pieces. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026WS0 Basalt Four small (~4.5x4.5x2 cm) uncut samples with yellow interiors with some green staining/mineralization. Patchy Fe-Mn crust. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026XS0 Diorite Cut sample (measures ~5x5x1.5 cm from the cut face). Dark grey fine-grained interior. Billet. Billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026YS0 Diorite Cut sample (measuring 3x2x1.5 cm on the cut face). Dark grey fine-grained interior, visible green and black crystals visible. Billet. Original label: 27 October, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD026ZS0 Siltstone Two samples: one cut, another uncut. Cut sample measures ~3x3.5x2 cm from the cut face and has dark grey very fine-grained interior with light grey spot. Billet. Billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD0270S0 Claystone Eight very small, cream-colored, very fine-grained samples. Original label: 30 March, 1975. Type 3. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD0271S0 Claystone Four uncut samples: very fine-grained cream-colored interior with a thick (~2 mm) black and rust-colored rind with a bubbly/mammillary morphology. Original label: 30 March, 1975. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD0272S0 Pumice Two uncut pumice samples. Some quartz crystals visible in the light grey groundmass glass. Original label: 30 March, 1975. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 F
GRD0273S0 Siltstone Very small (~3 cm) subangular cream and blue-grey fine-grained rocks. One sample is mounted in a polished epoxy disc (for chemical analyses). Original label: 20 October, 1968, pipe dredge. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD0274S0 Siltstone Two tan fine-grained samples measuring ~4x4x1.5 cm and 7x5x3 cm. Both samples are uncut; dessication crack and patch of Fe-Mn crust on largest sample; Original label: 21 October, 1967. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD0275S0 Siltstone Four small tan fine-grained samples. Each sample is capped by a medium-grained layer approximately 1 to 2 mm thick; Original label: 21 October, 1967, section cut July 1971. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD0276S0 Siltstone Four tan fine-grained samples. Each sample is capped by a medium-grained layer approximately 1 to 2 mm thick. billet. Original label: 21 October, 1967, section cut July 1971. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD0277S0 Pumice Small cut pumice sample that measures ~4x2x5 cm. Billet. Original label: 21 October, 1967, section cut July 1971 and designated 87-D-BB-1. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD0278S0 Conglomerate Two small cut conglomerate samples which measure ~4x4x1 cm. The clasts are ~2 mm in diameter. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: agglomerate. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD0279S0 Clastic Two small samples which are notably different than one another. One is dark brown siltstone. The other is a tan conglomerate. Neither is cut. Both are ~4x3x2 cm. Original label: 21 October, 1967. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027AS0 Serpentinite Large (~8x5x4 cm) green sample with abundant thin white calcite veins. Sample has high specific gravity. Billet. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027BS0 Dunite Three samples that appear to be composed mainly of olivine and a dark grey/black mineral (pyroxene?). Samples are not cut and have high specific gravity. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027CS0 Dunite Two samples that appear to be composed mainly of olivine and a dark grey/black mineral (pyroxene?). Samples are cut and have high specific gravity. Original label: 21 October, 1967; section cut July, 1971. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027DS0 Dunite Small slab (~5x3x1 cm) that appears to be composed mainly of olivine and a dark grey/black mineral (pyroxene?). Sample is cut and has high specific gravity. Billet, billet pieces. Original label: 21 October, 1967; section cut July, 1971. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027ES0 Dunite Two small samples that appear to be composed mainly of olivine and a dark grey/black mineral (pyroxene?). Samples are cut and have high specific gravity. Original label: 21 October, 1967; section cut July, 1971. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027FS0 Dunite Small sample that appears to be composed mainly of olivine and a dark grey/black mineral (pyroxene?). Sample is cut and has high specific gravity. Original label: 21 October, 1967; section cut July, 1971. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027GS0 Dunite Five samples that appear to be composed mainly of olivine and a dark grey/black mineral (pyroxene ?). Some Fe-staining on the surface. Samples are not cut and have high specific gravity. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 October, 1967; section cut July, 1971. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G
GRD027HS0 Serpentinite Fine-grained blue crystalline sample with some green patches. Sample is cut and has high specific gravity. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 October, 1967. Section cut July, 1971. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 G