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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD0246S0 Gabbro Two small cut samples measuring ~5x4x5 and ~4x4.5x2.5 cm from the cut faces. Dark green crystalline interior. Fe-Mn crust on sample. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0247S0 Amphibolite Small uncut sample broken in half. Originally ~6x6x1.5 cm. Chip in sample reveals black (almost metallic-like luster) crystalline interior. White-rind. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0248S0 Amphibolite Cut large sample measuring ~8.5x3.5x4 cm from the cut face. Black (almost metallic-like luster) crystalline interior, some crystals seem to be aligned. Cut slab and billet pieces. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0249S0 Diorite Large cut sample measuring ~6x4x5 cm from the cut face. Black-grey crystalline interior with a white rind. Billet pieces. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024AS0 Diorite Two small cut small samples measuring ~4x4x3 cm and ~4x3x1 cm from the cut faces. Two smaller uncut broken samples. Grey crystalline interior with occasional lighter spots which appear to be large feldspar. White rind. Billet pieces in a bag. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024BS0 Diorite Two cut samples measuring ~6.5x5.5x7 cm and ~5.5x6.5x2 cm from the cut faces. Grey crystalline interior with occasional lighter spots which appear to be large feldspar. White rind. Billet pieces in a bag. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024CS0 Gabbro Two medium-sized cut sample measuring ~6x6x3 cm and ~4x5x2 cm from the cut faces. Grey crystalline interior. White rind. Billet pieces in a bag. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024DS0 Gabbro Small (~5 cm in diameter) uncut sample. Chip in sample reveals black crystalline interior, some Fe-stained blebs. White rind. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024ES0 Diorite One large cut sample (measuring ~6x5x10 cm from the cut face) with three small samples ~5 cm in diameter. Grey crystalline interior. White rind with Fe-Mn patches. Billet pieces. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024FS0 Pyroxenite Very small cut sample measuring ~4.5x2.5x1 cm from the cut face. Dark green pyroxene with a white vein. Billet pieces. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024GS0 Pyroxenite Uncut small sample measuring ~5x3x1.5 cm. Dark green pyroxene with a layer of biotite/phlogopite, interstitial white flecks (feldspar?), and trace amount of garnet. White rind. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024HS0 Gabbro Two small cut samples measuring ~3x3x2.5 cm and ~2x2x1 cm from the cut faces. Interior composed of dark green crystals in finer-grained grey to white matrix. White crystalline rind. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024IS0 Granite Smll uncut sample measuring ~4 cm in diameter. Chip in sample reveals an interior composed of medium-grained muscovite, quartz, and white feldspar. Thick white rind with a sandy texture. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024JS0 Serpentinite Small sample measuring ~6x3x3 cm from the cut face. Very fine-grained green-brown interior with spots of chrysotile(?) and Fe-Mn crust with exposures of mica and chrysotile. Billet pieces. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024KS0 Serpentinite A medium-sized (~4 cm in diameter) uncut sample. Broken in half. Light green groundmass with magnetite, most concentrated near edge of the sample. Patchy Fe-Mn crust. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024LS0 Serpentinite One small (~2 cm in diameter) uncut sample. Light green exterior (talc and actinolite?) with black, massive interior. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024MS0 Serpentinite One small (~2 cm in diameter) uncut sample. Light green to yellow very fine-grained with small magnetite crystals. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024NS0 Schistose Two cut slabs measuring ~6x6x1 cm each. Composed of soft black-blue lenses in medium-grained light (micaceous?) matrix. Billet pieces. Original label: 28, November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024OS0 Serpentinite Large (~12x5x4.5 cm) uncut sample. One side of the sample shows a pale-green vitreous serpentine surface while the other sides are covered in a Fe-oxide stained rind. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024PS0 Greenschist Two small cut samples (measuring ~6x2.5x2cm each). Pale green-silvery, medium-grained schist. Billet. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024QS0 Blueschist Two small (~6x4x4 cm and ~6x4x2 cm) sample cut to reveal wavy blue-black and white (quartz) crystalline interior. Exterior looks schistose. Billet. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024RS0 Serpentinite Large (~7x7x6 cm), blocky, uncut sample. Dark grey, green exterior with some muscovite. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024SS0 Serpentinite Small (~5x3x3 cm), blocky, uncut sample. Fe-oxide stained reddish, yellow exterior with some green patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024TS0 Serpentinite Large (~9x5x5 cm), blocky, uncut sample and a smaller crescent-shaped uncut sample. Fe-oxide stained patches, yellow-orange powdery exterior with some grey spots containing blueish mica? Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024US0 Schist Two small (both measuring ~5x5x2.5cm from the cut faces). Exterior of the sample appears to be limey with occasional small muscovite patches. Interior has some grey patches and glaucophane(?) Billet pieces. Original label: 28 November, 1980 Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024VS0 Schist Large (~8x7x3 cm), uncut sample. Exterior of the sample appears to be limey with small lithic fragments in the limey matrix. Also in the rind are small books of muscovite (silver) and glaucophane (blue). Original label: 28 November, 1980 Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024WS0 Schist Two, small (~3x3x1 cm each), uncut samples. White, powdery texture. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024XS0 Conglomerate Small (~3 cm in diameter), friable, uncut samples. Appear to be small comglomerates of lithic (micas, blue-green mineral (tourmaline?), amphibole?) and shell (and perhaps coral?) material in a grey matrix. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024YS0 Siltstone Small (~3.5 cm in diameter) circular fine-grained sample. Tan with a few small Fe-stained patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD024ZS0 Siltstone Small (~4 cm in diameter) circular fine-grained sample. Tan with a few dessication cracks along the sides. Perhaps once a ball of mud? Very slight sheen to the surface. A few small Fe-Mn patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D