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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD0202S0 Calcsilicate (Skarn) Medium- to coarse-grained. Weakly foliated/banded with bands of white wollastonite (?), red garnet porphyroblasts, and green vesuvianite (?). Contact metamorphism. See also M-170. Original description: Ga-Wo skarn. California 0 Ritter 154, 14 K
GRD0203S0 Non-layered Gneiss Quartz-plagioclase-pyrite gneiss. Weakly to moderately foliated (discontinuous banding). Coarse- to very coarse-grained. From near an ore deposit (?). Not a nice example of a gneiss. 0 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD0204S0 Migmatitic Gneiss Large sample of biotite-potassium feldspar-garnet-quartz. Coarse-grained and well-foliated (large continuous bands/augens of kspar). Original description: PreC migmatite. New York 1 Ritter 154, 14 I
GRD0205 Schist Medium-sized sample of Pyrophyllite-magnetite-quartz-muscovite (trace). Well-foliated (~radiating lamellae), coarse- to very coarse-grained (blades) of pyrophyllite. Amphibole (or staurolite?) porphyroblasts. 0 Ritter 154, 23 C
GRD0205S0 Schist Medium-sized sample of Pyrophyllite-magnetite-quartz-muscovite (trace). Well-foliated (~radiating lamellae), coarse- to very coarse-grained (blades) of pyrophyllite. Amphibole (or staurolite?) porphyroblasts. 1 Ritter 154, 14 D
GRD0206S0 Non-layered Gneiss Large sample of a well-foliated, medium- to coarse-grained gneiss. The sample contains a large band of scapolite, biotite, quartz, potassium feldspar, and pyroxene. The band is between biotite-rich layers with less scapolite. Possibly part of a migmatite. Canada 1 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD0207S0 Layered Gneiss Small sample of a gneiss composed of quartz-plagioclase-biotite-magnetite-garnet. The sample has continuous banding, quartz and garnet porphyroblasts, and is fine- to medium-grained. 0 Ritter 154, 24 A
GRD0208S0 Conglomerate Rounded to subrounded grey quartzite pebbles(~ 3 cm in diameter) in greenish fine-grained matrix composed of abundant pyrite and quartz. Matrix-supported. 1 Ritter 154, 23 D
GRD0209S0 Mafic Hornfels, metavolcanics; large dark sample. Original description: hornfels from Santiago Peak metavolcanics, takenon 11/15/1986 ES101 Field Trip, Stop #3; note epidote veins. California 0 Ritter 154, 24 M
GRD020AS0 Calcsilicate (Skarn) Medium- to coarse-grained. Weakly foliated/banded with bands of white wollastonite (?), red garnet porphyroblasts, and green vesuvianite (?). Contact metamorphism. See also M-149. California 0 Ritter 154, 14 K
GRD020BS0 Calcsilicate (Skarn) Coarse-grained white calcsilicate with gradual development of serpentine and pyrite. Original description: serpentinous marble. Grenville age. New York 1 Ritter 154, 14 K
GRD020CS0 Non-layered Gneiss Potassium feldspar-quartz-magnetite. Large feldspar augen (some with laboradorescence) and thin wispy layers of magnetite. Mica-poor gneiss (?) 1 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD020DS0 Lineation Original description: sheared Pre-Cambrian granite in shear zone of Adirondacks; N40E, 20, E-W 30 ? New York 1 Ritter 154, 14 P
GRD020ES0 Volcaniclastic Sediment Small (~4 cm) cut sample. Black (Mn?) nodules surrounded by palagonite rims in a coarse-grained matrix of green shards (altered olivine?). Possibly shell casts? Original label: 14 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 A
GRD020FS0 Mudstone Large (6 x 6 cm), fine-grained, finely-laminated sample. Brown interior with tan exterior/rim. Abundant radiolarians visible in sample. Billet pieces. Original label: 14 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 A
GRD020GS0 Organic Small fragments of driftwood. Original label: 14 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 A
GRD020HS0 Breccia Small (~3 cm in diameter), uncut sample; Mn-coated; medium to large angular clasts. Original label: 14 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 A
GRD020IS0 Amphibole Schist Multiple small samples of amphibolite. Generally amphibole-potassium feldspar-quartz-pyrite- epidote (rare). Mineral assemblage depends on individual sample. New York 0 Ritter 154, 14 G
GRD020JS0 Amphibole Schist Amphibole-garnet-mica schist. Abundant garnets (many are approximately 4 mm in diameter) in amphibole matrix. Sample is capped by thin layer of fine-grained phyllosilicates (phyllite?). The contact between phyllite and amphibolite is Fe-stained. 0 Ritter 154, 3 G
GRD020KS0 Crenulation Cleavage Quartz-plagioclase-muscovite-biotite gneiss with folds (crenulation cleavage) with slight lineations. Well-developed foliation and thin continuous bands. California 1 Ritter 154, 24 I
GRD020LS0 Layered Gneiss Fine-grained (cryptocrystalline) gneiss with folds and augen. Quartz-pyroxene-pyrite (rare). Foliated with continuous thin bands- relict bedding/laminations (?). 1 Ritter 154, 14 B
GRD020MS0 Quartzite Dark grey quartzite with some Fe-oxide stains along fractures. Somewhat sugary appearance. 0 Ritter 154, 24 F
GRD020NS0 Serpentinite Green serpentinized rock; Small, rounded light green clasts (relict olivine?) and a few thin black minerals (magnetite?) in a dark green matrix. Original description: verde antique Mexico 0 Ritter 154, 3 G
GRD020OS0 Serpentinite Two small cut samples. Both are sheared. The slightly larger sample has dark green clasts in a light green matrix. Abundant serpentine on the surface. The smaller sample has dark blue clasts in a light grey matrix. The sample has muscovite on the surface. Billet. Original description: sheared serpentine rock. Mexico 1 Ritter 154, 14 M
GRD020PS0 Serpentinite Small dark green serpentinite sample. Vitreous luster. 0 Ritter 154, 24 G
GRD020QS0 Serpentinite Large sample mainly composed of serpentine and clay minerals. There is an obvious distinction between the core of the sample and the rim. The core is very fine-grained light green with thin blue veins. The rim is composed of vitreous light to dark green serpentine with a soapy/greasy feel. Serpentized, altered ultramafic rock. 0 Ritter 154, 14 M
GRD020RS0 Calcsilicate (Skarn) Contact/gradation between metapelite (fine-grained, quartz and phyllosilicates) and medium-grained skarn (poorly formed/preserved amphibole and garnet in granular/sugary quartzite matrix). South Dakota 0 Ritter 154, 14 K
GRD020SS0 Sedimentary Ore Deposits Non-foliated. Moderately granoblastic. Medium- to coarse-grained. Fe-oxide (magnetite), quartz, feldspar, garnet (almandine). Original description: Gneissic, meta-limestone (Fe-SS), granulite facies; Qtz-bio-almandine-magnetite. New York 0 Ritter 154, 14 Q
GRD020TS0 Augen Gneiss Large sample of a gneiss composed of biotite- potassium feldspar- quartz- pyrite (rare). Potassium feldspar augen and no banding. The largest augen has a bleb of pyrite inside. Original description: Augen gneiss. Microcline porphyroblasts replacing metagreywacke. Qtz-biotite-garnet-microcline. Granulite facies. New York 0 Ritter 154, 24 A
GRD020US0 Non-layered Gneiss Medium-sized slab of fine-grained gneiss composed of quartz-biotite-garnet. Some relict grains. No banding. Original description: metagreywacke; waltons QBG; Qtz-biotite-garnet. 0 Camp Elliott