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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD01LFS0 Micritic Limestone Laminated tan marly limestone. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LGS0 Replacement Features Laminated limestone; chertification Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LHS0 Grainstone Recrystallized foraminifera Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 H
GRD01LIS0 Oolitic Limestone Vajont oolite with echinoderm Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LJS0 Sedimentary Green chert with radilarian-rich silicified limestone Italy 0
GRD01LKS0 Micritic Limestone Tan micrite Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LLS0 Micritic Limestone Micrite Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LMS0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01LNS0 Micritic Limestone Tan micrite with shell fragments; two styolites in hand sample Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LOS0 Micritic Limestone Greenish marly micrite Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LPS0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01LQS0 Sedimentary Notebook says this sample is missing. Italy 0
GRD01LRS0 Pelagic Limestone Red limestone from the lowest layer in the Rosso Ammonitico; calcite veins. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 D
GRD01LSS0 Pelagic Limestone Red limestone from the lowest layer in the Rosso Ammonitico; laminations Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 D
GRD01LTS0 Pelagic Limestone Red limestone from the lowest layer in the Rosso Ammonitico. Italy 0 Ritter 154, 21 D
GRD01LUS0 Limestone Pink limestone with abundant ooids, filaments, forams. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LVS0 Limestone Fe/Mn-rich layers in limestone. Friable small hand-sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01LWS0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01LXS0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01LYS0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01LZS0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01M0S0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01M1S0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01M2S0 Limestone Limestone from 0.13 above the base of Fonzaso formation; Occasional radiolaria in a fine grained matrix. Small hand sample. Billet. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01M3S0 Pelletal Limestone Limestone from 2.1 meters above the base of Fonzaso formation; Occasional pellets in marly matrix. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01M4S0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01M5S0 Sedimentary Italy 0
GRD01M6S0 Shell Limestone Tan coarsely crystalline limestone. Recrystallized? Billet. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01M7S0 Shell Limestone Lumachella limestone with shells visible in hand sample. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01M8S0 Shell Limestone Tan lumachella limestone: Coarsely crystalline with shell fragments (?) in thin section. Very small hand sample. Billet Italy 1 Camp Elliott