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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD046BS0 Andesite Plag and Amphibole bearing Oregon 2 Ritter 154, 16 B
GRD046CS0 Intermediate Extrusive Ohanepecosch formation. Plagioclase rich flow with amphibole Washington 2 Ritter 154, 16 H
GRD046DS0 Schist Biotite Mica Schist. Protolith could be similar to MB-1. Nepal 1 Ritter 154, 14 C
GRD046ES0 And-bearing Schist Stevens Pass- 1 Washington 1 Ritter 154, 14 D
GRD046FS0 Igneous Stillwater Complex Montana 1 Ritter 154
GRD046GS0 Schist An incipient schistosity has developed across original sedimentary layering South Dakota 1 Ritter 154, 14 O
GRD046HS0 Igneous 1 Ritter 154
GRD046IS0 Basalt Yakima Basalt Washington 2 Ritter 154, 16 H
GRD046JS0 Gabbro Sea Floor Gabbro Indian Ocean 3 Ritter 154, 16 C
GRD046KS0 Igneous Hawaii 6 Ritter 154
GRD046LS0 Igneous 1 Ritter 154
GRD046MS0 Ultramafic Intrusive Stillwater Complex Montana 1 Ritter 154
GRD046NS0 Igneous 4 Ritter 154
GRD046OS0 Igneous 1 Ritter 154
GRD046PS0 Igneous Climbing trip to mount Curtis-Gilber Washington 1 Ritter 154
GRD046QS0 Mafic Extrusive Quartz Diabase. Hypidiomorphic, subophitic pyroxene, med grain-fine grain interstitial quartz, granophyre and pyroxene. Twinned plagioclase. New Jersey 4 Ritter 154, 16 G
GRD046RS0 Amphibolite Intensly sheared and recrystallized gneissose amphibolite layers of amphibolite and zoisite. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 14 G
GRD046SS0 Igneous 6 Ritter 154
GRD046TS0 Diorite Snoqualmie Batholith Washington 4 Ritter 154, 15 P
GRD046US0 Igneous 0 Ritter 154
GRD046VS0 Igneous 1 Ritter 154
GRD046WS0 Igneous 0 Ritter 154
GRD046XS0 Igneous 0 Ritter 154
GRD046YS0 Igneous DH20(2) 0 Ritter 154
GRD046ZS0 Conglomerate Collected Sep 5, 1964 Alaska 0 Ritter 154, 17 C
GRD0470S0 Amphibolite Strongly lineated hornblende crystals Canada 3 Ritter 154, 14 G
GRD0471S0 Syenite Alaska 2 Ritter 154, 15 D
GRD0472S0 Igneous Says taylor Alaska 2 Ritter 154
GRD0473S0 Ultramafic Intrusive Moderately Serpentinized UM intrusive Alaska 5 Ritter 154, 16 L
GRD0474S0 Igneous Philippines 0 Camp Elliott