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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD02NAS0 Granite Granite. Original description: Pendant of layered quartzite and shale in granites. (original description likely for different sample)at Lake Ellery and Tioga Pass Road California 0 Ritter 154, 19 B
GRD02NBS0 Monzonite Large sample of quartz monzonite. Original description: El Capitan Quartz Monzonite. Large slab on roadside. Quartz orthoclase plagioclase with minor sphene and nice zoning, biotite(some altering to chlorite). California 5 Ritter 154, 3 F
GRD02NCS0 Granodiorite 2.5 cm aplite dike cutting granodiorite. Original description: Aplite dike cutting weakly foliated granodiorite atp(?) Also mafic hornfels inclusions and streamers. California 0 Ritter 154, 16 Q
GRD02NDS0 Pumice Sparsely porphyritic pumice. Trace biotite. Original description: Perlitic Pumice. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NES0 Ga-bearing Schist Dark, foliated sample. Folded. Quartz-pyroxene- phyllosilicates-plagioclase-garnet-opaques. Original description: Metaseds. California 1 Ritter 154, 24 H
GRD02NFS0 Eclogite Original description: Eclogite, Lawsonite locality (Tiburon Uplands Nature Preserve) 2 hand samples. California 5 Ritter 154, 3 H
GRD02NGS0 Non-layered Gneiss Sample of biotite-orthocase-quartz-oxides augen gniess. Augen composed of orthoclase and quartz. Original description: Augen gneiss. Probably cataclasite. California 0 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD02NHS0 Gabbro Fine-grained green gabbro. Carbonate crust and veins in sample. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02NIS0 Basalt Small weathered sample of basalt. Patches of more coarsely grained basalt? California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NJS0 Gabbro Fine-grained green gabbro. Carbonate spots and veins in sample. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NKS0 Gabbro Coarse-grained green gabbro. Pyroxene. Nice hand sample. California 1 Ritter 154, 16 C
GRD02NLS0 Blueschist Large sample of blue schist. Sample is fine-grained. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NMS0 Gabbro Sample of coarse-grained green gabbro. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NNS0 Ash Sample of pink very fine-grained ash tuff. Veins and lenses of calcite. Spots of Fe-stains. California 0 Ritter 154, 22 H
GRD02NOS0 Gabbro Small sample of coarse-grained gabbro. Fair amount of metallic oxides. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NPS0 Gabbro Two small samples of coarse-grained gabbro. One sample could be made into a billet. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NQS0 Anorthosite Anorthosite. 95% orthoclase. Trace oxides. California 0 Ritter 154, 20 D
GRD02NRS0 Gabbro Small sample of medium grained gabbro. 50% orthoclase - 50% amphibole. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02NSS0 Gabbro Small sample of coarse grained gabbro. 50% orthoclase - 50% amphibole. California 0 Ritter 154, 16 D
GRD02NTS0 Non-layered Gneiss Medium sized sample of a mica-poor gneiss. Large garnet crystals. Foliated amphibole. California 0 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD02NUS0 Basalt Amphibole phryic basalt. Original label: Basalt dike - cutting granodiorite. California 0 Ritter 154, 20 E
GRD02NVS0 Blueschist Garnet bearing blueschist with stringers of green minerals. Original label: From a knocker. Garnet, pumpellyite, phueugite? California 4 Ritter 154, 3 G
GRD02NWS0 Gabbro Plagioclase-rich gabbro with Fe-stained crust on sample. Original label: Gabbro. Plagioclase (An55), Hypersthene (many with pyroxene overgrowths), opaques form a lattice-like pattern. A few apatite crystals. Numerous complex twins amo(?)-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-olivine-hornblende-spinel. California 4 Ritter 154, 3 E
GRD02NXS0 Lineation Calaveras fm. Small grey sample of streched pebble conglomerate. Original label: Pebble phyllite - stretched pebbles. Fall Field trip 1981 same site as Calif 644 California 0 Ritter 154, 24 H
GRD02NYS0 Phyllite Small grey sample of a dense phyllite. Stretched pebbles/minerals? Original label: Metasediment. Schist pendant. California 1 Ritter 154, 14 E
GRD02NZS0 Slate Small sample of dark slate. Foliated. Original label: Metasediment. Schist pendant. California 1 Ritter 154, 14 F
GRD02O0S0 Impure Marble Small sample of marble. Portions of marble are white, brown, and green. Original label: Marble. Schist pendant. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02O1S0 Schist Small sample of well foliated, mica-poor schist. Original label: Metavolcanic? Schist pendant. California 1 Ritter 154, 24 C
GRD02O2S0 Slate Very small sample of slate. Original label: Metasediment? Metagreywacke? Schist pendant. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02O3S0 Quartzite Two slabs slightly bedded quartzite. California 3 Ritter 154, 14 L