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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD02CDS0 Micritic Limestone Decent-sized, fine grained, dark grey limestone with a small calcite veins. Cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CES0 Shell Limestone Small sample of grey limestone with sparse bivalve shells. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CFS0 Micritic Limestone Small, dark grey limestone. Unremarkable. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CGS0 Breccia Decent-sized sample of a pink limestone breccia with calcium carbonate matrix. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CHS0 Chert Decent-sized sample of yellow-brown chert. The sample is taped together. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CIS0 Lithic Sandstone Decent-sized sample of green sandstone. Quartz-muscovite-lithics. Medium-grained. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CJS0 Lithic Sandstone Decent-sized sample of green sandstone. Quartz-muscovite-lithics. Fine-grained. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CKS0 Lithic Sandstone Small sample of green sandstone. Quartz-muscovite-lithics. Medium-grained. Well cemented. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CLS0 Shale Small, blocky sample of red and green shale. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CMS0 Shale Small, cut red shale sample. Thin calcite veins. 3 billets. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CNS0 Conglomerate Decent-sized sample of conglomerate. Not cut. No calcium-carbonate. Mudstone clasts in green medium-grained sandy matrix. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02COS0 Conglomerate Decent-sized sample of Fe-rich conglomerate. Green clasts of recrystallized limestone and igneous clasts in red (Fe-rich) matrix. High-density. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CPS0 Micritic Limestone Small sample of grey micrite with a few thin calcite veins. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CQS0 Micritic Limestone Small sample of grey-brown recrystallized limestone. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CRS0 Pelagic Limestone Small sample of cream-colored limestone with thin calcite veins. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CSS0 Micritic Limestone Small sample of light grey, laminated micrite. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CTS0 Boundstone Decent-sized sample of grey limestone containing radial corals. Cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CUS0 Boundstone Decent-sized sample of grey limestone containing a few radial corals. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CVS0 Grainstone Decent-sized sample of limestone containing debris. Unremarkable. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CWS0 Breccia Small sample. Micritic limestone clasts in granular calcium carbonate matrix. Not cut. France 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02CXS0 Grainstone Small pink crinoidal skeletal grainstone. Granular, recrystallized. Cut. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02CYS0 Pelletal Limestone Decent-sized sample of bedded grey limestone. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02CZS0 Packstone Skeletal packstone or wackestone. Decent-sized sample of dark grey and light grey mottled limestone. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02D0S0 Boundstone Very small sample. Light grey boundstone with calcite veins. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02D1S0 Dolostone Large sample. Micritic nodules in dolomite matrix. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02D2S0 Micritic Limestone Small sample of green micritic limestone. Radiolarians are visible with hand lense. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02D3S0 Dolostone Very small sample of dolostone with replaced, poorly preserved shells. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02D4S0 Lithic Sandstone Angular, over-compacted carbonate sandstone with minor beds of carbonate sandy wackestone. Blueschist clasts visible in thin-section. France 1 Ritter 154, 23 H
GRD02D5S0 Lithic Sandstone Metamorphic origin? Serpentinite, olivine, and pyroxene clasts. France 1 Ritter 154
GRD02D6S0 Lithic Sandstone Metamorphic origin? Serpentinite, olivine, and pyroxene clasts in micritic carbonate. France 1 Camp Elliott