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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD00QLS0 Burrows Sandstone with Pholad clam boring fills Mexico 0 Ritter 154, 17 Q
GRD00QMS0 Wrinkle Marks Cadiz shale member of the Cararra Formation, Middle Cambrian; Two hand samples. See also N-190, N139-2, and S-691 (all are Cadiz members). California 0 Ritter 154, 2 B
GRD00QNS0 Wrinkle Marks Original label: Wood Canyon formation, Pre-Cambrian boundary. California 0 Ritter 154, 17 Q
GRD00QOS0 Mud Cracks Mudcracks preserved beneath the dated tuff (14.8 Ma); Barstow Formation, near base of upper member - South limb of syncline California 0 Ritter 154, 17 P
GRD00QPS0 Trackways Rusophyeus and trilobite scratch marks, Cadiz Shale Member, Cararra Formation. See also N-190, S-683, and S-691 (all are Cadiz members). California 0 Ritter 154, 17 Q
GRD00QQS0 Mudstone Cadiz Shale member, Carrara formation, Middle Cambrian. See also N-190, N139-2, and S-683 (all are Cadiz members). California 0 Ritter 154, 8 I
GRD00QRS0 Crossbedding quartz sandstone, cross bedding, Johnnie Fm., Late Precambrian. California 0 Ritter 154, 22 M
GRD00QSS0 Graded Beds graded bed, fining upward unknown 0 Ritter 154, 17 R
GRD00QTS0 Sedimentary concretion in lithic sandstone 0 Ritter 154, 17 R
GRD00QUS0 Mudstone mudstone w/ glacial dropstone, Permo-carboniferous Australia 0 Ritter 154, 17 R
GRD00QUS1 Mudstone Mudstone w/ glacial dropstone. Permo-carboniferous. Australia 0 Ritter 154, 17 R
GRD00QVS0 Mudstone mudstone with well formed pyrite cubes, Tapley Hill Fm?, Neoproterozoic, mudstone in between glacial deposits Australia 0 Ritter 154, 17 R
GRD00QWS0 Bedding Large sample. Original label: Bedded tuff with Columbia Plateau lava, See also 110-T23, July 1954. Oregon 0 Ritter 154, 17 R
GRD00QXS0 Ripples Cadiz formation - Abone Chamblina Marble. See also S-683, N139-2, and S-691 (all are Cadiz members). California 0 Ritter 154, 17 R
GRD00QYS0 Lithic Sandstone Original label: July 1954. Nevada 1 Ritter 154, 17 F
GRD00QZS0 Quartz Sandstone Berea sandstone. 19 thin sections. Small hand sample. Ohio 19 Ritter 154, 3 C
GRD00R0S0 Oolitic Limestone Original label: Siliceous oolite, Coll. No. 93. Pennsylvania 1 Ritter 154, 3 C
GRD00R1S0 Oolitic Limestone No hand sample. Thin section in Thin Section Only box in RH 154. Original label: Middle Magdalena oolitic limestone, Coll. No. 101d, February 1951. New Mexico 1 Ritter 154
GRD00R2S0 Oolitic Limestone White oolitic limestone, 1 mm spheres and elongate shell fragments. Some oolites dissolved. Oolites contain a variety of fossil material in centers: echinoderms spines, mollusk shells, gastropod, etc. Shell fragments are usually rounded. Original label: Great Oolite. United Kingdom 5 Ritter 154, 3 C
GRD00R3S0 Oolitic Limestone Oolitic limestone. Original label: Inferior Oolite. Coll. No. 39. United Kingdom 1 Ritter 154, 18 B
GRD00R4S0 Oolitic Limestone Tan pisolites in grey matrix. Original label: Pea grit. Inferior Oolite fm. Coll. No. 38 and 49. United Kingdom 1 Ritter 154, 18 C
GRD00RFS0 Oolitic Limestone Great oolite. Thin sections labelled C-101. 4 thin sections. United Kingdom 4 Ritter 154, 18 B
GRD00RNS0 Compaction Features Lenticular sandy material between two finer-grained, laminated layers. Thin styolites in sandy material in thin section. Original label: Moenkopi formation: NW 1/4 sec 36, R573, T 21</=, Mountain Spring Quad. Nevada 2 Ritter 154, 22 L
GRD00ROS0 Quartz Sandstone Shinumo Quartzite Arizona 1 Ritter 154, 17 D
GRD00RPS0 Quartz Sandstone Original label: Pottsville quartz sandstone. Penn. Coll. No. P.T. 383c. May 1951. Pennsylvania 3 Ritter 154, 17 D
GRD00RQS0 Micritic Limestone Two small pieces of tan micrite. Original label: Lias. Tunisia 2 Ritter 154, 21 D
GRD00RXS0 Micritic Limestone Brownish red with irregular light-dark laminations. Deep sea limestone interbedded with clay. Radiolarians. Conchoidal fracture. Original label: Red laminated Laytonville limestone, from Franciscan formation, with Globotruncana (?) California 8 Ritter 154, 21 E
GRD00RYS0 Micritic Limestone Cream colored micrite displaying conchodial fracture. Original label: Lithographic stone, Coll. No. 48. Germany 1 Ritter 154, 2 C
GRD00S3S0 Shell Limestone Shell fragments California 0 Ritter 154, 18 E
GRD00S4S0 Feldspathic Sandstone Graded bedding. Original label: Torridon sandstone, Coll. No. 171. United Kingdom 1 Ritter 154, 17 E