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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD00JTS0 Claystone Corsicana formation, approximately 5 meters above TX-20A. Texas 0 Ritter 154, 22 E
GRD00JUS0 Mudstone Black shale with Sphenophyllum species, Pottsville ser. Pennsylvania 0 Ritter 154
GRD00JVS0 Chert Small hand sample of red chert from the Franciscan Formation. Fractures and green coloration. California 2 Ritter 154, 18 N
GRD00JWS0 Grainstone Coquina. Pleistocene, skeletal fragment Florida 0 Ritter 154, 2 C
GRD00JXS0 Shell Limestone Sand dollar (echinoid) sandstone California 0 Ritter 154, 18 E
GRD00JYS0 Oil Shale Mahogany Ledge, Green River Formation Colorado 0 Ritter 154, 17 L
GRD00JZS0 Chert Chert nodule in chalk 0 Ritter 154, 22 C
GRD00K0S0 Anthracite Coal Number 5 coal Illinois 0 Ritter 154, 17 L
GRD00K1S0 Anhydrite Massive anhydrite, Paradox Evaporite member of Hermosa formation. Utah, New Mexico, Colorado areas 0 Ritter 154, 17 M
GRD00K2S0 Chert Flint nodule encapsulated in chalk. France 0 Ritter 154, 3 A
GRD00K3S0 Chalk Nannofossil-foraminifer ooze that has been slightly lithified to form chalk. 0 Ritter 154, 18 L
GRD00K4S0 Lamination Noonday dolomite (IBEX facies) Cap carbonate California 0 Ritter 154, 18 R
GRD00K5S0 Clastic Components green shale, mildly fissile, multiple samples -good for tests 0 Ritter 154, 17 A
GRD00K6S0 Mudstone Mudball California 0 Ritter 154, 17 A
GRD00K7S0 Clastic Components Mt. Woodson Tonalite. California 0 Ritter 154, 17 A
GRD00K8S0 Sand California 0 Ritter 154, 17 A
GRD00K9S0 Diamictite Original label: tillite. Utah 1 Ritter 154, 17 B
GRD00KAS0 Diamictite Original label: Tillite; Coll. No. 69C. 0 Ritter 154, 17 A
GRD00KBS0 Clastic Components Original label: Glacial pebbles. Coll. No. 72. United Kingdom 0 Ritter 154, 17 A
GRD00KCS0 Sandstone Sandstone is completely broken apart in glass jar. Clastic components. Green siltstone clasts. Calcite cement. Original label: Sandstone containing green siltstone clasts. Middle part of Sespe formation. 1954. California 1 Ritter 154, 2 C
GRD00KDS0 Silt Original label: Prairie Loess, Coll. No. 624. RS 12. Iowa 1 Ritter 154, 17 A
GRD00KES0 Mud Original label: Mud, core sample, 1940. California 1 Ritter 154, 2 C
GRD00KFS0 Claystone Well lithified claystone containing a few ammonites. Note how fine-grained the matrix is and the tendency for the rock to fracture irregularly. Japan 0 Ritter 154, 2 C
GRD00KGS0 Breccia pebble conglomerate, Precambrian Apache Series, slightly metamorphosed Arizona 2 Ritter 154, 17 B
GRD00KHS0 Breccia dolomitic breccia, monolithilogic breccia Missing hand sample California 1 Ritter 154, 2 D
GRD00KIS0 Breccia dark brown chert breccia, Crystal Springs Fm., Pahrump Group California 0 Ritter 154, 17 B
GRD00KJS0 Breccia breccia w/ dolomite clasts, Kingston Peak, Pahrump Group Fm. Neoproterozoic California 0 Ritter 154, 17 B
GRD00KKS0 Breccia Luning Formation Nevada 0 Ritter 154, 17 B
GRD00KKS1 Breccia Luning Formation Nevada 0 Ritter 154, 23 C
GRD00KLS0 Breccia Aries V Dredge 15: Seamount Dredge: Thin-section is broken. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 17 B