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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD04CZS0 Greenschist Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04D0S0 Basalt fine grain basalt sparsely plag-phyric, missing thin section Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04D1S0 Basalt Altered basalt quartz veins Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04D2S0 Amphibolite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04D3S0 Amphibolite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04D4S0 Amphibolite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04D5S0 Metamorphic Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04D6S0 Serpentinite Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04D7S0 Igneous Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04D8S0 Igneous 0 Ritter 154
GRD04D9S0 Igneous 0 Ritter 154
GRD04DAS0 Igneous 0 Ritter 154
GRD04DBS0 Serpentinite Probably serpentinized dunite. Abundant chromite. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04DCS0 Igneous Original description- 309a, serpentinite 309b- same Philippines 0
GRD04DDS0 Gabbro Very highly altered gabbro. Likely the altered margin of 323a. Some garnierite, a lot of sphene. Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD04DES0 Igneous Philippines 0
GRD04DFS0 Igneous Philippines 0
GRD04DGS0 Igneous Philippines 0
GRD04DHS0 Igneous Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04DIS0 Igneous Marked as 365, but does not match thin section or description. Philippines 0
GRD04DJS0 Igneous Marked as 365, but does not match thin section or description. Philippines 0
GRD04DKS0 Igneous Marked as 365, but does not match thin section or description. Philippines 0
GRD04DLS0 Schist Philippines 0
GRD04DMS0 Fossil Bonanza King Formation. Sequence bounded by thrust faults. Upper Cambrian. Supratidal carbonate flats. Collected 10-14-2017 California 0 Ritter 154
GRD04DNS0 Fossil Collected 10-15-2017. Chambliss Limestone. Top timestone at the Chambliss and Cadiz contact. Middle Cambrian. Carbonate bank, shallow subtidal. California 0 Ritter 154
GRD04DOS0 Fossil Basal Beds (Darlington Limestone). Sakmarian stage. APP2.1 (Tasmanian zones 2 and 3). Cold water carbonates with drop stones. Australia 0 Ritter 154
GRD04DPS0 Amphibolite includes angular fragments of pale green amphibole and kspar and ep in jumbled matrix. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04DQS0 Granite grey, equigranular granite (grey series granitoid from Mahe) Seychelles 0 Ritter 154, 19 C
GRD04DRS0 Granite coarse, pink granite (grey series granitoid from Mahe) Seychelles 0 Ritter 154, 15 A
GRD04DRS1 Granite coarse, pink granite (grey series granitoid from Mahe) Seychelles 0 Ritter 154, 19 C