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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD04AHS0 Basalt Basaltic andesite. Twinned cpx. Sample and thin section do not match. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04AIS0 Oncoidal Limestone Oncolite bearing carbonate with shell fragments, appear to be rock fragments (mafic) Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 E
GRD04AJS0 Basalt Altered diabase with pink veining(aplite? hydrogrossular?) Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04AKS0 Basalt Plag-phyric altered basalt Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04ALS0 Basalt Reddish veins going through that likely have hematite. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04AMS0 Basalt small hand sample may not match thin section Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04ANS0 Basalt slightly plag-phyric, mostly groundmass, altered Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AOS0 Basalt Altered Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04APS0 Sedimentary oxidized sandstone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AQS0 Lithic Sandstone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04ARS0 Basalt Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04ASS0 Lithic Sandstone fine grain Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04ATS0 Lithic Sandstone fine to medium grain Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AUS0 Conglomerate Original description- clasts of andesite. Carbonate cementation Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AVS0 Micritic Limestone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AWS0 Lithic Sandstone Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04AXS0 Calcite Marble Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AYS0 Lithic Sandstone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AZS0 Lithic Sandstone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04B0S0 Gabbro coarse grain slightly altered Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04B1S0 Serpentinite Original description- serpentinitized ultramafic no relict minerals Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04B2S0 Igneous Original description- 309a, serpentinite 309b- same Philippines 0
GRD04B3S0 Serpentinite Serpentinized UM, mostly shot ol, less opx talc Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04B4S0 Amphibolite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04B5S0 Amphibolite Zoisite Tremolite amphibole schist. Original description: Brown amphibolite. Preferred orientation. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD04B6S0 Basalt fine grain Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04B7S0 Basalt altered piece of basaltic cobble Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04B8S0 Basalt Aphyric basalt, medium freshness. Original description- basalt Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD04B9S0 Basalt Original description- Fine diabase. Plag and cpx, chl and sericite, a vein or two of talc? ep? Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04BAS0 Basalt altered Philippines 0 Camp Elliott