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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD049NS0 Basalt Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD049OS0 Lithic Sandstone Olivine, pyroxene-phyric basalt. Rock fragments. May be similar to 227. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD049PS0 Schist Zoisite and treomolite. Very minor sulfides, chalcopyrite. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD049QS0 Amphibolite Schistose texture with broad folds. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD049RS0 Schist Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD049SS0 Marble Some coarse laminations, grey and light grey. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD049TS0 Amphibolite Tremolite-zoisite schistose amphibolite. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD049US0 Schist Philippines 1
GRD049VS0 Lithic Sandstone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD049WS0 Lithic Sandstone Calcite veins. Lithic fragments are 2-3 mm. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD049XS0 Igneous Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD049YS0 Mylonite Proto-mylonite. Some epidote stringers. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 E
GRD049ZS0 Lithic Sandstone Rock fragments up to 5mm. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04A0S0 Basalt Some plagioclase. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04A1S0 Lithic Sandstone Calcite cemented sandstone with lithic fragments up to 5-10mm. Euhedral calcite, some fuchite. Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 E
GRD04A2S0 Lithic Sandstone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04A3S0 Lithic Sandstone Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04A4S0 Dolomite Marble Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04A5S0 Shell Limestone Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 E
GRD04A6S0 Breccia Significant quartz with rutile, epidote, some sulfides in association with epidote, some oxides. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 E
GRD04A7S0 Basalt Plag-phyric basalt. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04A8S0 Basalt Very altered. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04A9S0 Breccia Mafic breccia. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD04AAS0 Basalt Altered basalt, significant amounts of sulfides. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04ABS0 Dacite Chlorite replacement of pyroxene. Sericitized pyroxene. Large complex phenocrysts. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD04ACS0 Lithic Sandstone Some rock fragments.Sulfides concentrated in certain areas of the sample. A lot of veins. Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 E
GRD04ADS0 Dacite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AES0 Ore Deposits Altered basalt. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD04AFS0 Andesite Fresh andesite with biotite, hornblende, plagioclase. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD04AGS0 Basalt More altered than similar samples. Sample is bounded by two veins. Beginning stages of plagioclase serialization.s Philippines 1 Camp Elliott