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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD0475S0 Amphibolite Layered amphibolite. Gneissic texture. Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD0476S0 Lithic Sandstone Coarse grained, mm sized grains. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0477S0 Quartzofeldspathic Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0478S0 Igneous Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0479S0 Granoblastic epidote pod. Core sample Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD047AS0 Granoblastic Core samples with lots of epidote. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD047BS0 Granoblastic Core sample with epidote. Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD047CS0 Serpentinite Possibly gabbroic protolith. Possibly troctolite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD047DS0 Basalt Quartz and epidote veins. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047ES0 Basalt Fine grained crystallites of plagioclase, radiating needles. Red vein through center with some colorless mineral included and associated opaques. Poorly formed tiny ep. opaque rich and opaque poor banding perpendicular and inclined to red vein. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD047FS0 Basalt Altered basalt. Plagioclase, very highly altered in random and radiating lathes 1-2mm long. Remnants of birefringent something, probably olivine, cpx, serp present. Opaques, blocky, (mt) sericite is all that is left of most plag. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047GS0 Amphibolite 80 to 90 percent green amphibole , slight blueish tinge, around 5 percent interstitial plagioclase, some ep, chl in good-sized crystals. sphene included in amphibole. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD047HS0 Amphibole Schist Schist with green amphibole, ep pods of possible quartz. Prehnite veins. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD047IS0 Andesite A few plagioclase and brown amphibole phenocrysts in a plagioclase amphibole groundmass. Both minerals are zoned and filled with inclusions. Seven clusters of ep and cpx. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD047JS0 Basalt Pale green amphibole in subophitic relation to plagioclase lattices. A vein of ep Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047KS0 Micritic Limestone Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 E
GRD047LS0 Basalt Some amphibole. Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD047MS0 Ore Deposits Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD047NS0 Amphibolite Hornblende gabbro. Pale amphibole, lots of plagioclase, schistose. An 95-96. Magnesium Hbl. Philippines 0 Ritter 154, 28 F
GRD047OS0 Gabbro Fresh gabbro, medium grained, plag, cpx, and abundant small sphene grains. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 G
GRD047PS0 Greenschist ep, chl, pl Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047QS0 Peridotite Serpentinized opx, chromite. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 H
GRD047RS0 Serpentinite Serpentinized peridotite. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047SS0 Serpentinite Remnant scraps of ol, opx, cpx. In an almost totally serpentinized matrix. No plag, UM? Chromites. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 H
GRD047TS0 Serpentinite Serpentinized peridotite. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047US0 Serpentinite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD047VS0 Serpentinite Philippines 0 Camp Elliott
GRD047WS0 Serpentinite Serpentinized peridotite. Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047XS0 Basalt Philippines 1 Camp Elliott
GRD047YS0 Mafic Quartz veins. Philippines 1 Ritter 154, 28 G