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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD02KVS0 Shale Very small dark shale chips. Original label: Sack of shale chips from Neochorion formation. At type locality of Neraida formation. 13 August 1980. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02KWS0 Chert Red laminated chert. Original label: Next layers below specimen W80-96 (from interval 4 - 10 cm). At type locality of Neraida formation. 14 August 1980. Greece 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02KXS0 Chert Highly fractured and recrystallized purple and tan chert. Large to small white calcite veins. Original label: Chert from contact with limestone overlying Neraida chert. At type locality of Neraida formation. 14 August 1980. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02KYS0 Micritic Limestone Brown micrite. Large pink calcite veins. Small sample. Original label: Limestone from ~25 cm above base of limestone above Neraida chert. Halobia occur within 1 meter of contact with limestone. At type locality of Neraida formation. 14 August 1980. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02KZS0 Mudstone Coarse-grained limey mudstone. Slight bedding. Small sample. Original label: Oceanic formation at Mount Hillaby with forams and radiolarians. 10 September 1980. Barbados 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02L0S0 Lithic Sandstone Coarse-grained lithic sandstone. Abundant subangular quartz. Slight bedding. Small sample. Original label: Coarse-grained granite sandstone, quartz-rich at Mount All. From lower part of ~6 meter thick graded bed. 10 September 1980. Barbados 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02L1S0 Grainstone Coarse-grained foraminiferal limestone. Original label: Bissex Hill foraminiferal limestone. 10 September 1980. Barbados 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02L2S0 Mudstone Ball of mudstone with different mudstone fragments. Original label: Typical Joes River lith, with fragments of Scotland formation lith. in mud matrix. Most sandstone blocks are oil impregnated. 10 September 1980. Barbados 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02L3S0 Grainstone Coarse-grained foraminiferal limestone. Decent sized sample. Original label: Oceanic formation. 2 pieces. From graded bed. Coarse piece at base, other piece 20 cm above base 10 September 1980. Barbados 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02L4S0 Sandstone Fine-grained sandstone with tan and brown layers. Small sample. Original label: Oceanic formation. Graded bed. 10 September 1980. Barbados 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02L5S0 Sandstone Slightly bedded Fe-formation/sandstone. Small sample. Original label: Specimen of Fe-rich fine sandstone. 10 September 1980. Barbados 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02L6S0 Grainstone Three decent-sized samples; two have red marl dikes bordered by sparry calcite veins Original label: Brocatello limestone with vein of red marl and later vein calcite. In this quarry, calcite is last. Small faults offset calcite at outcrop in some places and show horizontal movement. Most red marl dikes at more or less vertical and horizontal slickenlines are common. Switzerland 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02L6S1 Sedimentary Structures Three decent-sized samples; two have red marl dikes bordered by sparry calcite veins Original label: Brocatello limestone with vein of red marl and later vein calcite. In this quarry, calcite is last. Small faults offset calcite at outcrop in some places and show horizontal movement. Most red marl dikes at more or less vertical and horizontal slickenlines are common. Switzerland 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02L7S0 Greywacke Black billet with medium grains of quartz, biotite, and feldspar. No sample. 2 thin sections. Original label: Wildeman graywacke with sole marks. Germany 2 Camp Elliott
GRD02L8S0 Greywacke Small black billets (3) with medium grains of quartz, biotite, and feldspar. Original label: Wildeman graywacke with sole marks. Germany 1 Ritter 154, 3 C
GRD02L9S0 Chert Black radiolarian chert. Original label: Radiolarian chert in float along railroad chert. Germany 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02LAS0 Sedimentary Structures Missing. Original label: Cut slab of Brocatello with red marl dikes. Switzerland 0
GRD02LBS0 Burrows Calcareous siltstone. Original label: Cherty limestone from formation beneath Sogno. Alternating sponge-rich marly cherty limestone and mudstone. Switzerland 1 Ritter 154, 22 L
GRD02LCS0 Pelletal Limestone Pelletal limestone. Fine-grained. Original label: Grainstone with forams. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 C
GRD02LDS0 Micritic Limestone Small tan sample of micrite. Original label: Micrite. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02LES0 Pelletal Limestone Small tan sample of pelletal limestone. Original label: Grainstone. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 C
GRD02LFS0 Pelletal Limestone Small tan sample of pelletal limestone. Original label: Coarse grainstone with good specimens of Urgonina. Possibly still Malm. Stop 1/1/2. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 C
GRD02LGS0 Pelletal Limestone Small tan sample of pelletal grainstone. Original label: Channel-like feature with cross interapure-grainstone. Big fossils. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 C
GRD02LHS0 Pelletal Limestone Small tan sample of pelletal grainstone. Original label: Oolitic grainstone from thick unit. Probably at oolitic bar. Spills into micrite and laminated birds-eye facies Probably Neocomian at approximately #1910 on Cruvillier et al. column. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 C
GRD02LIS0 Dolostone From Winterer notebook, this sample is from just below the Vajont formation. Original label: Igne formation, upper part, gradded beds, with resedimented Posidonia. Cherty. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02LJS0 Oolitic Limestone Grey pelletal limestone with ooids of various diameters. Original label: Vajont formation. Typical with oolites, intraclasts of brown radiolarian micrite. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 C
GRD02LKS0 Cements Tan pelletal to oolitic limestone. Nice cements. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD02LLS0 Grainstone Decent-sized, fine-grained pelletal grainstone. Original label: Vajont Dam - Fonzasoton with Posidonia and radiolarians. Turbidite. Sept. 1, 1981. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02LMS0 Oolitic Limestone Ooids with pellets. Original label: Vajont oolite. Sept. 1, 1981. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 21 B
GRD02LNS0 Breccia Limestone breccia. Large brown micrite clasts. Decent-sized hand sample. Billet. Original label: Vajont breccia. Sept. 1, 1981. Italy 1 Camp Elliott