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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD02G9S0 Greywacke Multiple small pieces of a green greywacke. Billet. Original label: Greywacke sandstone in melange unit #2, at stop #9, Hsu Guide to Morro Bay - San Simeon Coast. 3/24/69. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GAS0 Shale Black shale. Possibly organic-rich. Original label: Scaly shale in melange unit #2, at stop #9, Hsu Guide to Morro Bay - San Simeon Coast. 3/24/69. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GBS0 Greywacke Medium-grained greywacke with large, coarse calcite veins. Billet. Original label: Graywacke without K-spar in melange unit #4, at stop #3, Hsu Guide to Morro Bay - San Simeon Coast. 3/24/69. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GCS0 Greywacke Medium-grained greywacke with visible small black flecks. Billets. Original label: Greywacke without K-spar in melange unit #4, at stop #3, Hsu Guide to Morro Bay - San Simeon Coast. 3/24/69. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GDS0 Greywacke Coarse-grained green greywacke. Billet. Original label: Sandstone from Ascuncion formation (Upper K) at stop #4, Hsu Guide to Morro Bay - San Simeon Coast. 3/24/69. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GES0 Micritic Limestone Tan micrite between basalt pillows from the Point Sal ophiolite. Billet California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GFS0 Micritic Limestone Laminated radiolarian chert on basalt. Small, crumbly sample. Billet. Original label: Pt Sal cht on basalt. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GGS0 Breccia Altered green basalt clasts with sparry calcite veins California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GHS0 Mudstone Green mudstone. Unremarkable. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GIS0 Pelagic Limestone Radiolarian limestone. Minor amount of terrigenous material. Clotted texture. Drilled. Billet. Original label: radiolarite. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GJS0 Greywacke Coarse-grained green sandstone; visible biotite and quartz grains in sample. Billet. Original label: Atascadero - U.K. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GKS0 Mudstone Small sample of brown mudstone. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GLS0 Greywacke Coarse-grained green greywacke. Billet. Original label: Morro-Hsu formation B. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GMS0 Greywacke Green medium-grained graywacke with large calcite veins. Large hand sample. Original label: Greywacke - Cayucos. California 2 Camp Elliott
GRD02GNS0 Mudstone Lithic pebbly mudstone - classic melange. Friable. Original label: Melange - Cayucos. California 1 Ritter 154, 22 E
GRD02GOS0 Nodules Dark grey chert nodule in light grey limestone. Chert is highly fractured. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GPS0 Diagenetic Features Grey cherty limestone with radiolarians and dolomite rhombs. Billet. Original label: Cherty limestone, Calera. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GQS0 Micritic Limestone Large sample of grey bedded limestone. Very slight offset on some beds due to fractures. Original label: wh+org-K, Calera. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GRS0 Micritic Limestone Small sample of cream, micritic limestone. Original label: wh-forams, Calera. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GSS0 Claystone Silicified red clay with white lenticular beds. Small sample. Original label: Arg-unit, Calera. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD02GTS0 Micritic Limestone Planktic foraminifer limestone. Original label: Foram limestone; Laytonville Limestone. California 1 Ritter 154, 21 E
GRD02GUS0 Micritic Limestone Dark grey micrite with cross-cutting calcite veins. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GVS0 Micritic Limestone Light grey micrite with very thin black styolites and small black flecks. Large sample. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GWS0 Micritic Limestone Light grey micrite with very thin black beds and visible radiolarians. Small sample. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GXS0 Micritic Limestone Dark grey sparry limestone. sample. No visible fossils. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GYS0 Shale Bag of black shale fragments and powder California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02GZS0 Chert Small sample of red chert California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02H0S0 Greywacke Small sample of coarse-grained greywacke. Visible grains of shale, quartz, and basalt (?). Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02H1S0 Greywacke Small sample of green, fine-grained greywacke. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD02H2S0 Chert Small sample of pink chert, fractured with calcite filling the fracutres. Not cut. California 0 Camp Elliott