GRD02A0S0 |
Relict Textures
Metamorphosed welded tuff. Slightly foliated with relict clasts. Fine-grained. Quartz-feldspars-pyrite (trace)-biotite (trace). |
California |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
GRD02A1S0 |
Relict Textures
Metavolcanic. Small white rounded clasts could be relict phenocrysts. Dark grey angular clasts are quartz. Original description: Metamorphosed quartz porphyry. Lower Cretaceous |
California |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 O |
GRD02A2S0 |
Relict Textures
Large sample of stretched pebble conglomerate. Stretched and flattened pink quartzite pebbles in schistose matrix. Biotite-muscovite-anthophyllite-garnet schist matrix. Probably Grenville. Original description: Metaconglomerate. Qtz-Bio-Musc-Anthophyllite-Garnet. Most likely granulite facies. |
Canada |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 R |
GRD02A3S0 |
Relict Textures
Large sample of metaconglomerate. Polymictitic clasts. Rounded and subrounded clasts of quartzite, slate, and syenite. The clasts range in size from ~1 to 5 cm. Green phyllite matrix. Some weathering on one side of the sample. See also M-331. Original description: Metaconglomerate. |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 R |
GRD02A4S0 |
Relict Textures
Small sample of metaconglomerate. Polymictitic clasts. One large rounded clasts of quartzite with small green clasts of slate and quartzite. Green phyllite matrix. Some weathering on sample. See also M-332. Original description: Metaconglomerate. Weathered. Qtz- chlorite- Fe-oxides. |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
GRD02A5S0 |
Non-layered Gneiss
Large sample of muscovite-quartz-chloritoid (?) gneiss. Discontinuous quartz bands. Medium- to coarse-grained. Original description: Mu-Q gneiss. Chlorite zone. |
New Zealand |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 R |
GRD02A6S0 |
Relict Textures
Small sample of green phyllite. Some small quartz and Fe-oxide minerals. Looks just like the matrix of M-331 and M-332. Some weathering on sample. Original description: Metaconglomerate. Weathered. Qtz-chlorite- Fe-oxides. |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
GRD02A7S0 |
Relict Textures
Cryptocrystalline to medium-grained. Bands of quartz (some cherty), feldspar, and phlogopite. Relict bedding planes? |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
GRD02A8S0 |
Metamorphic Structures
Quartz-potassium feldspar-biotite-chlorite (trace) gneiss in contact with potassium feldspar-quartz pegmatite. Gneiss is medium-grained with quartz sigma-clasts. Pegmatite is very coarse-grained. Possibly some vesuvianite? Coarse-grained chlorite between gneiss and pegmatite. |
California |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 P |
GRD02A9S0 |
Dolomite Marble
Banding/relict bedding? Cryptocrystalline to very coarse-grained. Mainly composed of dolomite and thin, black dendrites (pyrolusite?). Original label: Chert? |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 J |
Relict Textures
Large sample that grades from biotite-phologopite to tremolite to tremolite-talc layers. All layers are very coarse-grained. Grenville age? Original label: Phlogopite-biotite-talc-tremolite rock. |
New York |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 R |
Relict Textures
Small glaucophane- magnesioreibeckite-quartz-muscovite (trace) schist. Fine- to medium-grained. Original label: Blueschist. |
Mexico |
1 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
Relict Textures
Very fine-grained. Banding/relict bedding. Cryptocrystalline pink and teal mafic beds with dark grey beds. |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 O |
Tremolite-pyroxene (grey)-plagioclase-quartz-Fe-oxide schist. |
1 |
Ritter 154, 24 C |
Relict Textures
Orange (Fe-stained) quartzite with magnetite lenses and tarvertine-filled vugs. Brecciated base? Original label: Breccia with calcium-carbonate (travertine) filling. |
California |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
Cubes of pyrite and chalcopyrite in grey cryptocrystalline matrix. |
Fremont Isle |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
Basalt with glassy crust and plagioclase phenocrysts. Most of the glassy crust has been chipped away. 1983-03-19. Ship: Thomas Washingotn. |
Pacific Ocean |
0 |
Ritter 154, 19 K |
Olivine metadiabase. Medium-grained plagioclase-pyroxene-garnet-amphibole (trace)-pyrite (trace)-olivine (relict). Original label: Metadiabase. |
New York |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 H |
Sil-bearing Schist
Large sample of magnetite-quartz-sillimanite schist. |
New York |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 R |
Contact between pink quartz-plagioclase-magnetite quartz and dark magnetite-plagioclase-quartz(?) layer |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 I |
Olivine metadiabase. Medium-grained pyroxene-garnet-plagioclase-amphibole (trace)-pyrite (trace)-olivine (relict). Original label: Metadiabase. Greenschist facies. |
New York |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 H |
Fine-grained pyroxene/amphibole-plagioclase. Original label: fine-grained gneiss. |
California |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 G |
Metavolcanic. Fine-grained amphibole-quartz-plagioclase (trace). Fe-hydroxide stains. Original label: Meta-volcanic. Jur-Cret. |
California |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 H |
Ilmenite-Garnet-Olivine-Plagioclase (minor). Original label: Skarn. |
New York |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 H |
Tremolite-biotite-muscovite schist to gneiss. Large books of biotite (porphyroblasts) in the schist. Tremolite-quartz boudins in gneiss. Original label: Hornblende-carbonate. |
1 |
Ritter 154, 14 O |
Relict Textures
Metavolcanic. Chlorite-quartz-hematite-pyrite (trace). Slightly foliated. Medium-grained quartz porphyroblasts and fine-grained quartz stringers. |
0 |
Ritter 154, 24 H |
Sedimentary Ore Deposits
Magnetite and hematite (minor) with irregular veinlets and interstices of dolomite and quartz (trace). Contact metamorphic deposit of magnetite and hematite in Paleozoic carbonates associated with Mesozoic intrusion. |
California |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 Q |
Sedimentary Ore Deposits
Magnetite and hematite (minor) with very small irregular veinlets and interstices of dolomite- quartz (trace). Some pyrite. Contact metamorphic deposit of magnetite and hematite in Paleozoic carbonates associated with Mesozoic intrusion. |
California |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 Q |
Sedimentary Ore Deposits
Magnetite with interstital dolomite as well as a large, coarse-grained dolomite vein. Minor amount of pyrite. |
California |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 Q |
Magmatic Ore Deposits
Large potassium feldspar crystals with interstital magnetite and quartz. |
0 |
Ritter 154, 14 Q |