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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD0250S0 Siltstone Oblong sample (~9.5 cm long, ~4.5 cm wide). Tan and fine-grained with a few dessication cracks along the sides. Perhaps once a ball of mud? A few small Fe-Mn patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0251S0 Siltstone Small (~5 cm in diameter), tan, and fine-grained with a few dessication cracks along the sides. Perhaps once a ball of mud? A few small Fe-Mn patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0252S0 Siltstone Small (~5 cm in length), tan, and fine-grained with a few dessication cracks along the sides. Perhaps once a ball of mud? A few small Fe-Mn patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0253S0 Siltstone Small (~4 cm in diameter), tan, and fine-grained with a few dessication cracks along the sides. Perhaps once a ball of limey mud? A few small Fe-Mn patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0254S0 Siltstone Small (~3.5 cm in diameter), tan, and fine-grained with a few dessication cracks along the sides. Perhaps once a ball of limey mud? A few small Fe-Mn patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0255S0 Siltstone A bag of bulk sediment: Small (<3 cm in diameter) fine-grained sample. Tan with a few dessication cracks along the sides. Perhaps once balls of limey mud? A few small Fe-Mn patches. Original label: 28 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0256S0 Siltstone A very small (~2.5 cm) uncut pumice pebble. Original label: 29 November, 1980. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 D
GRD0257S0 Basalt Dark green porphyritic basalt with abundant circular vesicles, some vesicles are filled-in with quartz or Fe-oxide minerals: Three large (~8x5x6 cm) samples. Dendritic oxide crystal growth on the exterior of one sample. Billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 3 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD0258S0 Mafic Dark green cut coarse-grained samples. Two pieces: ~5x4x4 cm and ~4x3x2 cm from the cut face. Large feldspar in hand sample. Billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD0259S0 Basalt Two small (~4x3x2 cm) cut dark green coarse-grained samples. Large purple feldspar and small white veins in hand sample. Two other small (~5x3x4 cm on cut face) samples with green feldspar crystals in fine-grained blue matrix. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 3 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025AS0 Mafic One small (~5x3x4 cm) cut dark green coarse-grained sample. Feldspar laths, quartz?, and magnetite crystals. Billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025BS0 Mafic One small (~5x4x2 cm) uncut dark green medium-grained sample. Feldspar laths, serpentine, and magnetite crystals. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025CS0 Ultramafic Two cut olive-green fine-grained samples, ~4x3x2.5 cm and ~6x3.5x3.5 cm, billet, thin white veins (quartz?). One uncut sample (~4x3x3 cm) is darker and more dense than the cut samples. Not the same sample as ERDC08-24D-2. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025DS0 Mafic Cut sample (originally ~6x6x6 cm subangular). Blue fine-grained with portions of sample Fe-stained. Thin white veins (quartz?). Slickenlines in hematite(?). Very dense. Billet piece. Not the same sample as ERDC-24D-2. Original label: 24 March, 1975, Type 2. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025ES0 Serpentinite Small (~5x5x2 cm) dark green sample with dark blue-green crystalline interior. Olive-green mineral on surface may be serpentine. Sample looks altered. Billet and billet pieces. Thin section missing. Not the same sample as ERDC08-24D-4A. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025FS0 Serpentinite Very small (~3x2x0.5 cm) dark green sample (billet only). Fe-Mn crust on sample. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025GS0 Breccia Very large (~14x10x11 cm) uncut sample composed of ~1 to 2 cm red extrusive volcanic clasts (with vesicles) and ~5 mm olivine clasts in white very-fine grained cement. Original label: 24 March, 1975. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025HS0 Siltstone Two small (~4x4x2 cm) uncut samples and one sample cut in half (originally ~4x4x2 cm). White with thin light purple carbonate veins. One of the samples has crystal-lined vugs. Billet pieces. Original label: 27 October, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025IS0 Siltstone Multiple pieces, the largest measures ~6x3x2 cm on cut face. Red fine-grained with white cross-cutting veins, weathered rind around the largest piece. Billet and billet pieces. Some pieces labelled ERDC08-24D-7, they are from the same sample as those labelled ERDC-24D-7. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025JS0 Conglomerate Multiple pieces, the largest measures ~9x5.5x6 cm on cut face. High specific gravity. Large (~3 cm) fine-grained purple clasts with green rinds in fine-grained green matrix. Purple clasts contain what appears to be thin bivalve shell fragments. Occasional calcite-filled vugs. A smaller (~5x2x1 cm) uncut subrounded brown sample containing white specks/crystals (quartz?). Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025KS0 Serpentinite Multiple small pieces, the largest measures ~4.5x3x0.5 cm on cut face. Fine-grained purple clasts with green rinds in fine-grained green matrix. Billet and billet pieces. Very similar to ERDC-24D-8-1. Original label: 24 March, 1975. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025LS0 Serpentinite Two small uncut pieces measuring ~4x4x1 cm and ~3x2x1 cm. Magnetite and feldspar in glassy green matrix. Original label: 24 March, 1975. Pacific Ocean 0 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025MS0 Amphibolite Two large cut pieces measuring ~11x6x6 cm and ~11x6x4 cm from the cut face. Bag of rock chips. Occasional green crystals in green fine-grained matrix with patchy Fe-Mn crust. Billet. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025NS0 Diorite Two cut pieces measuring ~6.5x5x5 cm and ~5x5x4 cm on the cut face. Green crystalline interior with patchy Fe-Mn crust. Occasional Fe-oxide blebs visible. Billet and billet pieces. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025OS0 Diorite Two cut pieces measuring ~9x5x5 cm and ~7x5x6 cm on the cut face. Black crystalline interior with patchy Fe-Mn crust on top and fine-grained tan rind on bottom. Occasional large olive-green feldspar are visible on bottom of sample. Billet and billet pieces. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025PS0 Pyroxenite One cut piece measuring ~7x4.5x9 cm on the cut face. Light and dark green crystalline interior surrounded by a thin white rind with patchy Fe-Mn crust. Billet and billet pieces. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025QS0 Serpentinite Two cut pieces measuring ~6x6.5x6 cm and ~6x7x1.5 cm from the cut faces. One uncut sample measuring ~6x6x2 cm. Light and dark green crystalline interior with patchy Fe-Mn crust. Interior shows dark green spots in blue-green crystalline matrix. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025RS0 Serpentinite One cut sample measuring ~4.5x3x3 cm on the cut face. Blue-green crystalline interior with a single white serpentine vein. Sample has patchy white crust. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025SS0 Serpentinite One cut sample measuring ~4.5x3x3 cm on the cut face. Blue-green crystalline interior with brown patch (Fe-oxide staining?). Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 21 September, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E
GRD025TS0 Serpentinite One cut sample measuring ~7x8.5x7 cm on the cut face. Blue-green crystalline interior with abundant tan/brown chrysotile. Patchy Fe-Mn crust on sample. Billet and billet pieces. Original label: 27 October, 1975. Pacific Ocean 1 Ritter 154, 37 E