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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD01W4S0 Non-layered Gneiss Black biotite with some continuous and discontinuous banding. Large sample. California 0 Ritter 154, 14 I
GRD01W4S1 Non-layered Gneiss Black biotite with some continuous and discontinuous banding. Small sample. California 0 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD01W5S0 Ky-bearing Schist Medium sample of kyanite-muscovite-quartz-chlorite schist. Very nice sample. See also M-43 and M-209. 1 Ritter 154, 3 G
GRD01W6S0 Talc Schist Medium-sized sample of talc-dolomite- tremolite schist. Pale-green talc (sheared) with a thick band of dolomite (icelandic spar). Minor amount of dark green tremolite in the talc. 1 Ritter 154, 14 G
GRD01W7S0 Crenulation Cleavage A medium-sized sample of chlorite-quartz-pyrite schist. Quartz stringers that contain cubes of pyrite. Beautiful crenulations. California 2 Ritter 154, 14 P
GRD01W8S0 Schist Tremolite-quartz-pyrite schist. Radiating crystals. Alpine 1 Ritter 154, 14 G
GRD01W9S0 Folds Very large sample of folded tremolite-talc (?)-carbonate schist. Well-foliated. New York 0 Ritter 154, 14 R
GRD01WAS0 Crenulation Cleavage Two small samples of specularite schist. Michigan 0 Ritter 154, 14 P
GRD01WBS0 Schist Well-foliated phlogopite schist. Medium- to coarse-grained. Trace amounts of quartz and pyrite. Very nice sample. New York 0 Ritter 154, 14 D
GRD01WCS0 Schist Sample of chlorite-magnetite schist. Porphyroblasts of magnetite crystals. Good foliation. Sample is all scratched up. Original description: prochlorite enclosing magnetite. Maryland 0 Ritter 154, 14 C
GRD01WDS0 Calcsilicate (Skarn) Amphibole-biotite-garnet-quartz. Very large garnet porphyroblast. Original description: gedrite-garnet-cordierite-magnetite skarn. Canada 0 Ritter 154, 14 K
GRD01WES0 Schist Multiple small samples of specularite schist. Well-foliated and fine-grained. 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01WFS0 Schist Coarse-grained, purple tremolite schist. Original description: Hexagonite tremolite schist. New York 1 Ritter 154, 3 G
GRD01WGS0 Schist Quartz-sericite schist. Quartz-sericite-flecks of magnetite. From the Chickies Quartzite. Pennsylvania 1 Ritter 154, 24 D
GRD01WHS0 Schist Small sample of specular schist 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01WIS0 Sil-bearing Schist Large sample of biotite-muscovite-quartz-sillimanite(?)schist. Slighty gneissic with generally medium- to coarse-grained texture. Ontario 1 Ritter 154, 24 C
GRD01WJS0 Schist Small sample of biotite-quartz schist. Weakly-developed foliation. Generally fine-grained. Original description: mudstone protolith; pelite enclosing M-86. 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01WKS0 Schist Small sample of biotite- quartz- potassium feldspar schist. Weakly-developed foliation. Generally fine-grained. Original description: pelitic schist wall rock of I-6. 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01WLS0 Schist Biotite-plagioclase-muscovite (trace) schist. Angular, unoriented plagioclase. Fine- to medium-grained. Moderately foliated. Original description: metapelite with little quartz. California 1 Ritter 154, 24 D
GRD01WMS0 Schist Biotite-quartz-pyrite (trace) schist. Quartz bands/augen. Generally fine- to medium-grained and well-foliated. Original description: fine-grained gneiss. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01WNS0 St-bearing Schist Medium-sized sample of muscovite-garnet-staurolite-quartz schist. Fine-grained phyllosilicates with garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts. Well-developed foliation. Alps 0 Ritter 154, 14 D
GRD01WOS0 St-bearing Schist Fine-grained green-silver phyllosilicates with small staurolite crystals. Small folds/crenulations in cross-sections. Nice foliation. Alps 0 Ritter 154, 14 D
GRD01WPS0 Schist Small sample of muscovite-glaucophane (?)-quartz (trace) schist. Original description: quartz-muscovite-chlorite-biotite-albite schist. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01WQS0 Schist Large sample of biotite-muscovite-quartz-pyrite (trace) schist. Some discontinuous quartz bands (slightly gneissic). Well-foliated and medium-grained. Original description: biotite-muscovite-quartz gneiss. New Zealand 0 Ritter 154, 14 D
GRD01WRS0 Schist Small sample of biotite-muscovite schist. Fine-grained and well-foliated. 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01WSS0 Greenschist Medium-sized sample of chlorite-chloritoid-pyrite schist. Fine-grained green phyllosilicates. The small black crystals are chloritiod (hexagonal and perfect 1-directional cleavage). Trace amounts of small pyrite crystals (often associated with chloritoid). Poorly developed slaty cleavage. Original label: Chloritoid schist. Chloritiod?-chlorite?-amphibole?-pyrite. 0 Ritter 154, 14 D
GRD01WTS0 Talc Schist Small sample of talc schist. Poorly developed foliation. Soapy feel. 0 Ritter 154, 24 C
GRD01WUS0 Schist Two small samples of glaucophane (?)-quartz-Fe-oxide (trace) schist. Fine- to medium-grained blue-grey phyllosilicates with trace Fe-minerals (with rusty halos) and quartz. 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01WVS0 Schist Seven samples of fine-grained phyllosilicates with trace pyrite (?). Patchy Fe-oxide staining on the surface of the samples. 0 Ritter 154, 24 D
GRD01WWS0 Schist Medium-sized sample of white quartz-tremolite schist. Weakly foliated, somewhat banded. New York 0 Ritter 154, 14 G