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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD01UJS0 Grainstone Decent hand sample. Small foraminifera and mollusc shells visible in dark fine-grained matrix. 2 billets. Greece 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01UKS0 Boundstone Dark grey sample with vugs filled with sparry calcite. Billet Greece 1 Ritter 154, 18 J
GRD01ULS0 Dolostone Small hand sample. Fine-grained, grey. 2 billets. Greece 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01UMS0 Micritic Limestone Birds eye limestone with rare forams Greece 1 Ritter 154, 18 D
GRD01UNS0 Grainstone Small hand sample. Grey with sparry small shell fragments. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01UOS0 Boundstone Algal limestone. Foraminifera in fine-grained matrix Greece 1 Ritter 154, 18 J
GRD01UPS0 Non-layered Gneiss Quartzofeldspathic-muscovite-biotite. Moderately gneissic. Recrystallized vein composed of quartz and pink potassium feldspar. 1 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01UQ Non-layered Gneiss Amphibole-potassium feldspar gneiss. Original description: "Quartz-hornblende syenite gneiss". Ontario 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01UQS0 Non-layered Gneiss Amphibole-potassium feldspar gneiss. Original description: Quartz-hornblende syenite gneiss. Ontario 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01URS0 Non-layered Gneiss Quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Plagioclase-quartz-garnet-biotite. Garnet porphyroblasts and thin wispy biotite bands. Original description: Granitized greywacke New York 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01US Non-layered Gneiss Plagioclase-biotite-quartz-pyroxene gneiss. Grading to schist. Moderately altered. Original description: "granodiorite". California 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01USS0 Non-layered Gneiss Plagioclase-biotite-quartz-pyroxene gneiss. Grading to schist. Moderately altered. Original description: granodiorite. California 1 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD01UTS0 Augen Gneiss Plagioclase-quartz-biotite. A few plagioclase augen. moderate banding. Good foliation. California 1 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01UUS0 Augen Gneiss Plagioclase-quartz-amphibole-biotite-garnet. Medium- to coarse-grained. Gradation from schist to gneiss. Gneiss has potassium feldspar augen and banding. See also M-110. California 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01UV Non-layered Gneiss Potassium-feldspar-quartz-amphibole-biotite. Discontinuous banding and coarse-grained (K-spar ~1 x 3 cm). 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01UVS0 Non-layered Gneiss Potassium-feldspar-quartz-amphibole-biotite. Discontinuous banding and coarse-grained (K-spar ~1 x 3 cm). 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01UWS0 Non-layered Gneiss Primary large pink potassium feldspar with interstital quartz, amphibole, and biotite. Medium- to fine-grained. Recrystallized. 0 Ritter 154, 24 A
GRD01UXS0 Layered Gneiss Quartz-amphibole-garnet-plagioclase. Medium-grained (max grain size: 2-3 mm). One large porphyroblast. Original description: Serpentinized gneiss. 0 Ritter 154, 24 A
GRD01UYS0 Layered Gneiss Amphibole (hornblende)-quartz-plagioclase-garnet (rare). Nice mineral segregation between leucocratic (quartz) and melanocratic (hornblende) layers. 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01UZS0 Layered Gneiss Amphibole-plagioclase-garnet-biotite-epidote gneiss. Bands of epidote-garnet and amphibole. Epidote only in leucocratic bands. 0 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD01V0S0 Augen Gneiss Small sample of gneiss composed of muscovite-biotite-quartz-potassium feldspar. Large augen, some with rim overgrowths. Switzerland 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01V1S0 Layered Gneiss Gneiss composed of quartz-feldspar-amphibole (good crystal structure)-garnet. Medium to coarse-grained (max crystal size ~7 mm). Some banding is visible. 5 Ritter 154, 3 H
GRD01V2S0 Schist Large sample of coarse-grained schist composed of biotite-muscovite-plagioclase-potassium feldspar-quartz. Foliated with little to no banding. Alpine schist? Original label: Zone 7. New Zealand 0 Ritter 154, 14 C
GRD01V3S0 Layered Gneiss Medium-sized sample of gneiss composed of amphibole-plagioclase-potassium feldspar-quartz-biotite. Lineations are present. Bands of potassium feldspar and quartz within thick melanosomes of amphibole-plagioclase-minor biotite. 0 Ritter 154, 24 A
GRD01V4S0 Non-layered Gneiss Garnet gneiss with poorly developed foliation. Quartz-plagioclase-garnet-biotite. Original label: Sillimanite-garnet gneiss. New York 0 Ritter 154, 14 A
GRD01V5S0 Phyllite Phyllite composed of fine-grained mica and some quartz. Original description: fine-grained gneiss. 0 Ritter 154, 14 E
GRD01V6S0 Layered Gneiss Well-banded gneiss composed of biotite-quartz-plagioclase (trace). California 0 Ritter 154, 24 B
GRD01V7S0 Layered Gneiss Multiple small samples of gneiss composed of potassium feldspar-quartz-biotite-plagioclase (trace). Granulite facies (?). Elongated Kspar, quartz, and biotite (lineations); augen texture perpendicular to elongation. 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01V8S0 Layered Gneiss Large sample with thin, continuous bands. Biotite-amphibole (?)- plagioclase- quartz-potassium feldspar- Fe-oxide (trace). Small stringers of quartz-Kspar. 0 Ritter 154, 14 I
GRD01V9S0 Layered Gneiss Large sample of gneiss composed of hornblende/amphibole-quartz-potassium feldspar-plagioclase (trace)-biotite (trace). Nice lineations in one plane with nice foliation in another; fine biotite (?) veinlets perpendicular to lineation and foliation. 0 Ritter 154, 14 B