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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD01N3S0 Clastic Components Granulite facies rocks from an alluvial fan in front of Ivrea zone massif, near Canavese Line. Italy 0
GRD01N4S0 Clastic Components Granulite facies rocks from an alluvial fan in front of Ivrea zone massif, near Canavese Line. Italy 0
GRD01N5S0 Clastic Components Granulite facies rocks from an alluvial fan in front of Ivrea zone massif, near Canavese Line. Italy 0
GRD01N6S0 Clastic Components Granulite facies rocks from an alluvial fan in front of Ivrea zone massif, near Canavese Line. Italy 0
GRD01N7S0 Clastic Components Granulite facies rocks from an alluvial fan in front of Ivrea zone massif, near Canavese Line. Italy 0
GRD01N8S0 Clastic Components Granulite facies rocks from an alluvial fan in front of Ivrea zone massif, near Canavese Line. Italy 0
GRD01N9S0 Augen Gneiss Original description: Monte Rosa augen gniess from a quarry close to photographed outcrop. Italy 0
GRD01NAS0 Metamorphic Italy 0
GRD01NBS0 Metamorphic Italy 0
GRD01NCS0 Metamorphic coarse-grained Italy 0
GRD01NDS0 Metamorphic Original description: Typical high pressure rocks of Sessi Lanzo zone with phengite, glaucophane, quartz, rutile, and garnet. Italy 0
GRD01NES0 Lithic Sandstone Greenish coarse-grained sandstone with quartz and feldspar in hand sample. Original label: Andesitic sandstone. Switzerland 1 Ritter 154, 17 F
GRD01NFS0 Siltstone Laminated chert layer in laminated limestone layers. Slightly folded. Fine-grained. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01NGS0 Conglomerate Two large specimens. Large clasts (greater than 1 mm) are carbonate. Black chert clasts. Sharp boundary between coarse and fine-grained beds. France 1 Ritter 154, 23 D
GRD01NHS0 Breccia Limestone breccia with large calcite veins. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01NIS0 Conglomerate Limestone breccia. Decent-sized hand sample. Switzerland 2 Ritter 154, 17 C
GRD01NJS0 Breccia Opaline (?) cement bands in volcanic mudstone breccia California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01NKS0 Volcaniclastic Sediment Green formation; extrusive volcanic fragments in green sandy matrix. Decent-sized hand sample. California 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01NLS0 Basalt Vesicular basalt with rusty staining in vesicles. Small sample. California 2 Camp Elliott
GRD01NMS0 Breccia Carbonite-bearing breccia with red mudstone matrix. Switzerland 0
GRD01NNS0 Clastic Sandy beds alternating with red mudstone. Switzerland 0
GRD01NOS0 Limestone Very lenticular bearing radiolarians. Cherty limestone (?). Austria 0
GRD01NPS0 Breccia Angular clasts of limestone in red mudstone matrix. Austria 0
GRD01NQS0 Sandstone Original description: Crinoidal sandstone in Rotkalk. Austria 0
GRD01NRS0 Clastic Original description: Turbidite in Tauglboden beds. ~5 meters above base. Austria 0
GRD01NSS0 Clastic Turbidite in Tauglboden beds; abundant shallow water debris. Austria 0
GRD01NTS0 Clastic Turbidite in Tauglboden beds; shallow water limestone clasts, radiolarians, and mollusks in matrix. Austria 0
GRD01NUS0 Clastic Turbidite in Tauglboden beds; redeposited turbidite. Austria 0
GRD01NVS0 Clastic Turbidite in Tauglboden beds. Austria 0
GRD01NWS0 Boundstone Bioherm of upper part of Calc. Grigi; geopetal structure Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 J