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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD016FS0 Micritic Limestone Fine-grained tan limestone with crystalline calcite veins. Small hand sample. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016GS0 Limestone Grey limestone from the Tripolitzia platform. Crystalline/granular. Decent-sized hand sample. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016HS0 Sedimentary Structures Dark grey irregularly laminated limestone interbeded with lighter dolomites. White crystalline calcite veins. Decent-sized hand sample. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016IS0 Chert Dark grey and green radioarian chert; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #1. Small hand sample. Canada 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016JS0 Chert Black chert; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #1. Small hand sample. Canada 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016KS0 Chert Black chert; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #1. Small hand sample. Canada 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016LS0 Mudstone Black shale chips; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #1. Very small amount of sample. Canada 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016MS0 Chert Black radiolarite; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #2. Decent-sized hand sample. Canada 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016NS0 Chert Black radiolarian-rich chert; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #3. From the Bonapart disturbed zone. Canada 0 Ritter 154, 22 B
GRD016OS0 Chert Bluish-grey radiolarian-rich chert; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #4. (original description) Two very different looking hand samples. One dark green, the other light blue-green. Both decent-sized hand samples. Canada 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016PS0 Siltstone Red radiolarian-bearing laminated sandy siltstone; Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #5. (original description) Wavy beds. Decent-sized hand sample. Canada 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016QS0 Packstone Fusulinid limestone chips and powder. Contains schwangerina and yaberina. Collected during the Penrose conference trip at stop #5. Nice internal structure in fusilinids in hand sample. Canada 0 Ritter 154, 18 F
GRD016RS0 Diatomite Porcellanite with chert band. Large sample. California 0 Ritter 154, 21 M
GRD016RS1 Diatomite Porcellanite with chert band. Large sample. California 0 Ritter 154, 21 M
GRD016SS0 Limestone From a calcareous concretion in the Monterey Shale. Decent-sized hand sample. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016TS0 Limestone Calcareous layer. Decent-sized hand sample. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016US0 Limestone Calcareous facies; foram-rich. Decent-sized hand sample California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016VS0 Chert Thinly laminated light grey chert. Very small sample California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016WS0 Porcellanite Thin bands of chert interbedded with very thin silicified shale beds. Alternating dark and light layers. California 0 Ritter 154, 18 N
GRD016XS0 Limestone Laminated calcareous layer. Small hand sample. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016YS0 Phosphorite Nodular phosphorite. California 0
GRD016ZS0 Phosphorite Glauconite with phosphorite (original description). White sample with green crust on one side. Large, unremarkable sample. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0170S0 Felsic Extrusive Ash bed dated to approximately 8.6 ma by U.S.G.S. Fission track. California 0
GRD0171S0 Diatomite Laminated diatomite. California 0 Ritter 154, 18 M
GRD0172S0 Chert laminated red, grey chert topped by white porcellanite. Small sample California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0173S0 Nodules Large sample of light brown chert in white diatomite. Original label: Chert. Soft: diatomite, Hard: porcellanite. Post compaction concretion. Monterey Fm., Miocene. California 0 Ritter 154, 2 C
GRD0174S0 Phosphorite Phosphorus nodule (?) Two white nodules with faint green layer. Small samples California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0175S0 Diatomite Green nodule in diatomite. Small, fragile sample. California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0176S0 Diatomite California 0
GRD0177S0 Chert Laminated diatomite containing a grey chert layer. Decent-sized sample. California 0 Camp Elliott