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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD015LS0 Limestone Red silicified limestone with green coloring along fractures. Faint laminations. Fine-grained. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015MS0 Micritic Limestone Yellow silicified limestone. Fine-grained. Decent-sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015NS0 Micritic Limestone Red limestone with green coloring along fractures. Faint laminations. Fine-grained. Decent-sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015OS0 Micritic Limestone Red silicified limestone. Fine-grained. Very small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015PS0 Micritic Limestone Red limestone with green coloring along fractures. Fine-grained. Very small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015QS0 Micritic Limestone Red limestone with green coloring along fractures. Fine-grained. Decent-sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015RS0 Micritic Limestone Red silicified limestone with green coloring along fractures. Fine-grained. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015SS0 Shale Red shale chips. Friable. Very small amount. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015TS0 Micritic Limestone Red limestone. Fine-grained. Very small sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015US0 Micritic Limestone Red fine-grained limestone. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015VS0 Micritic Limestone Red and green fine-grained limestone. Very small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015WS0 Micritic Limestone Green and red layered limestone. Large specimen. Fine-grained. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015XS0 Shale Red and green shale. Green is slightly more limey than the red. Small samples. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015YS0 Micritic Limestone Red limestone with small crystalline fractures. Fine-grained. Capped by a thin bed of red shale. Smaller hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD015ZS0 Micritic Limestone Red limestone with green coloring along fractures. Fine-grained. Decent-sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0160S0 Micritic Limestone Red fine-grained limestone with shell fragment. Decent sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0161S0 Micritic Limestone Red and green limestone. Fine-grained. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0162S0 Limestone Red limestone with white calcareous rim. Hand sample in poor shape. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0163S0 Micritic Limestone Grey and pink fine-grained limestone. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0164S0 Limestone Red limestone. Muddy. Large sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0165S0 Micritic Limestone Peach-colored micritic limestone. Contains globotruncana. Italy 0 Ritter 154, 21 E
GRD0166S0 Limestone Biancona limestone, under the Scaglia Rossa limestone. White fine-grained with crystalline veins. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0167S0 Limestone Liassic platform limestone. Cream-colored. Fine-grained with crystalline veins. Occasional very small Fe/Mg spots. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0168S0 Micritic Limestone Tan cherty/very fine-grained limestone with thin crystalline calcite veins. Two small green spots. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0169S0 Limestone White slightly laminated limestone. Powdery, chalky. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016AS0 Chert Part of a chert nodule with white calcareous inclusion in the interior. Decent-sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016BS0 Limestone White limestone from the Apulian platform. Granular. Microfossils (?). Decent-sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016CS0 Chert White fractured chert in contact with mafic intrusive. Dark mineralization along fractures in chert. Large sample. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016DS0 Lithic Sandstone Sandstone from the Pindes flysch. Decent-sized hand sample. Granular/crystalline. Greece 0 Camp Elliott
GRD016ES0 Limestone Coarse-grained laminated calcarenite. Decent-sized hand sample. Greece 0 Camp Elliott