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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD00TVS0 Chert Original label: Flint, Coll. No. 61. United Kingdom 1 Ritter 154, 18 N
GRD00TWS0 Chert Original label: Flint. Coll. No. 53c. Germany 1 Camp Elliott
GRD00TXS0 Chert Original label: Green radiolarite. Oxfordian. Klippen Zone, Coll. No. P-26, Sept. 1960. Poland 1 Camp Elliott
GRD00TYS0 Chert Small slab of cream-white chert. Original description: Novaculite. United States 1 Ritter 154, 22 C
GRD00U1S0 Chert Grey laminated chert with silicified limestone nodules and small prismatic calcite rhombs 2 Ritter 154, 18 N
GRD00U2S0 Phosphorite Original label: From deep water off the California coast. Presented by F. Shepard. Pacific Ocean 2 Ritter 154, 18 P
GRD00U3S0 Phosphorite Original label: Middle Pico--- collophane nodule in calc. concretion. 1941. California 1 Ritter 154, 18 P
GRD00U4S0 Phosphorite Two small samples that look rather different from one another. Original label: Phosphoria formation, Permian. Utah 1 Ritter 154, 18 P
GRD00U5S0 Phosphorite Original label: Phosphate concretion with radiolaria within. Unknown 1 Ritter 154, 18 P
GRD00U6S0 Phosphorite Brecciated. Clasts in an oolitic sandy matrix. Unknown 3 Ritter 154, 18 P
GRD00U7S0 Phosphorite Apatite, var. collophanite (original label) Florida 0 Ritter 154, 18 P
GRD00UCS0 Dolostone Noonday Dolomite, slumped facies, Neoproterozoic California 0 Ritter 154, 18 R
GRD00UDS0 Lamination Noonday Dolomite, IBEX Deep water facies, Neoproterozoic, Cap Carbonate California 0 Ritter 154, 22 J
GRD00UES0 Dolostone Noonday Dolomite, Neoproterozoic, Cap Carbonate California 0 Ritter 154, 21 M
GRD00UFS0 Sedimentary Structures Beck Springs Dolomite California 0 Ritter 154, 17 Q
GRD00UGS0 Dolostone Base of Noonday Dolomite Cap Carbonate, Just above Kingston Peak Diamictite (original label) California 0 Ritter 154, 21 M
GRD00UHS0 Lamination White stone band in Kimmeridgian (nanno-rich) (original description). White lenses of mud/clay. United Kingdom 0 Ritter 154, 18 Q
GRD00UJS0 Ripples Pentacrinus-bearing limestone displaying ripplemarks. Wyoming 1 Ritter 154, 18 Q
GRD00UKS0 Graded Beds Clastic limestone becoming finer grained upward. Original label: Coll. No. 101b, case: 5655, Feb 1951, Stop 1, GSA Tour. New Mexico 3 Ritter 154, 18 Q
GRD00UMS0 Pelletal Limestone Light grey pellets in crystalline calcite matrix. Good teaching specimen. 11 thin sections; all are very similar to one another. 11 Ritter 154, 18 B
GRD00UNS0 Calcsilicate (Skarn) Large sample composed of irregular bands of clear (calcite), grey, and bright green minerals (Vesuvianite? Epidote?). Original description: epidote-mineralized rock? hydrothermal alteration? California 0 Ritter 154, 14 K
GRD00UOS0 Sandstone sandstone California 0
GRD00UPS0 Limestone missing, Silurian encrinal limestone New York 0
GRD00UQS0 Limestone missing, middle Ordovician limestone New York 0
GRD00URS0 Shell Limestone missing, Silurian shell limestone New York 0
GRD00USS0 Shell Limestone missing, Upper Cretaceous shell limestone Colorado 0
GRD00UTS0 Chalk missing, Cretaceous, chalk United Kingdom 0
GRD00UUS0 Chalk missing, Cretaceous chalk Mississippi 0
GRD00UVS0 Limestone missing, Lower Devonian limestone New York 0
GRD00UWS0 Oolitic Limestone missing, Mississippian, oolitic limestone Indiana 0