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Sample Type is Sedimentary › Sedimentary Structures

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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD01MES0 Sedimentary Structures Coarsely crystalline calcite vein from a dike breccia. Thin pieces of limestone (?) in the vein. Very small hand sample Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MGS0 Cements Lumachella-bearing limestone; recrystallized; vuggy Italy 1 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01MKS0 Cements Very coarse calcite-filled lumachella; ammonites Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MMS0 Hardground Rosso Ammonitico containing Fe/Mn nodules which include circlets of calcite Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MNS0 Nodules Red cherty nodule in red limestone; decent-sized hand sample. Billet. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MVS0 Sedimentary Dikes Large light grey limestone/marble clasts containing calcite veins; red sandy matrix between clasts. Clastic dikes. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MWS0 Sedimentary Dikes Large light grey mudstone clasts containing calcite veins; red sandy matrix between clasts. Decent-sized hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01MXS0 Sedimentary Dikes Large light grey mudstone clasts containing calcite veins; red sandy matrix between clasts. Small hand sample. Billet. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MZS0 Recrystallization Coarsely crystalline, debris flow matrix; recrystallized; veins and fractures. Unremarkable hand sample. Billet. France 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01N0S0 Replacement Features Laminated cherty limestone; chertification; slump structure; cross-beds; chert nodule; decent-sized hand sample. billets France 2 Camp Elliott
GRD01O0S0 Hardground Contact between red laminated micritic limestone and grey wackestone with sheet cracks at the contact. Styolites in red micritic limestone. Billet. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 22 J
GRD01O2S0 Sedimentary Structures Calcite vein in sedimentary dike. Switzerland 0
GRD01O3S0 Sedimentary Structures Large cut slab from waste slabs along roadside, with good Triassic dolomite and red Besaziokalk, internal sediments and several generations of calcite. Switzerland 0 Ritter 154, 22 M
GRD01O3S1 Sedimentary Structures Large cut slab from waste slabs along roadside, with good Triassic dolomite and red Besaziokalk, internal sediments and several generations of calcite. Switzerland 0 Ritter 154, 22 M
GRD01O3S2 Sedimentary Structures Large cut slab from waste slabs along roadside, with good Triassic dolomite and red Besaziokalk, internal sediments and several generations of calcite. Switzerland 0 Ritter 154, 22 M
GRD01O7S0 Sedimentary Structures Sediment-filled and calcite-filled sheet cracks in grey limestone. Billet and TS only. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 22 K
GRD01ODS0 Sedimentary Structures Calcite-filled sheet cracks between tan fossiliferous limestone; small hand sample. Billet. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01OFS0 Sedimentary Dikes Ochre bed; yellow limestone Cross-cut by calcite veins. Decent-sized hand sample. Billet Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01P4S0 Replacement Features Small samples. TS with W86-21B. Original description: 5 pieces of rock; Possible Raibl outcrop along trail leading west from Guana. Dolomite and greenish rauhwacke-like rocks. Attitude: 295, 20 SW. Switzerland 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01P5S0 Replacement Features Small samples. Billet. Original description: 5 pieces of rock; Possible Raibl outcrop along trail leading west from Guana. Dolomite and greenish rauhwacke-like rocks. Attitude: 295, 20 SW. Switzerland 1 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01P6S0 Replacement Features Small samples. Billet. TS with W86-21B. Original description: 5 pieces of rock; Possible Raibl outcrop along trail leading west from Guana. Dolomite and greenish rauhwacke-like rocks. Attitude: 295, 20 SW. Switzerland 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01P8S0 Sedimentary Structures Small sample. Original description: Slickenlines in calcite. Switzerland 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01P9S0 Sedimentary Structures Original description: Calcite and marlstone with slickensides. Switzerland 0
GRD01PAS0 Sedimentary Structures Small slabby pieces. Original description: Calcite; shows growth to center with slickenlines on both edges. Switzerland 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01PBS0 Diagenetic Features Small sample. Original description: Calcite from vertical calcite-lined dike with internal sediment, deposited after calcite terminations. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01PCS0 Cements Small sample and billet. Fresh break in hand sample. Original description: Platform limestone from under sill. Italy 0 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01PFS0 Replacement Features Small, slabby sample with billet. Original description: From approximately 30 cm under Mn and is typical of brecciated platform (?) limestone. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01PHS0 Cements Decent sized hand sample, it does NOT show features inn the original description. Billet. Original description: From the base of sill, showing calcite veins between platform limestone (not certain that greenish layer is platform) Note calcite grows from both ceiling and floor, therefore postdates red limestone of sill. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01POS0 Sedimentary Dikes Good-sized hand sample. Red and pinkish-crystalline limestone. Calcite veins. Original label: From the top of a sill. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 22 K
GRD01PPS0 Sedimentary Dikes The two samples are glued together. W86-36A is a purple limestone and composed of debris material. W86-36B is grey, fine-grained dolomite (?). Original label: Section across sill. B sits on top of A. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 22 K