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Sample Type is Sedimentary › Sedimentary Structures

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IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD01DKS0 Replacement Features A. Lumachella limestone with red chert nodules. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 O
GRD01DKS1 Replacement Features B. Lumachella limestone with chert nodules. Shelly. Recrystallized shells. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01DQS0 Nodular Beds White limestone with gray-green chert lense. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 Q
GRD01DXS0 Cements Pisolitic with vugs Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 Q
GRD01E2S0 Cements Calcarenite; large samples Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 I
GRD01E2S1 Cements Calcarenite; large samples Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 I
GRD01EGS0 Replacement Features Maiolica with chert nodule Italy 0 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01EZS0 Nodules Green-grey micrite with red nodular base . Large sample. Italy 2 Ritter 154, 22 K
GRD01EZS1 Nodules Pink nodular limestone. Italy 0 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01EZS2 Nodules Pink nodular limestone. Italy 0 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01G2S0 Hardground Junction Bed hardground(Pleinsbachian/Toarcian contact); large sample. Fe-rich. United Kingdom 1 Ritter 154, 17 I
GRD01G3S0 Hardground Fragment of a snuff-box hardground (inferior Oolite, Bajocian), Bajocian United Kingdom 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01GJS0 Hardground Hardground at top of Chipping Norton formation, Bathonian. United Kingdom 0
GRD01HJS0 Nodular Beds Nodular yellow micrite with posidonia. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01HOS0 Bedding Original label: Reddish lith. Tofino formation; Rosso ad Aptici; alignment of shell fragments/calcite. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01HTS0 Nodular Beds Tenno formation, yellow part near base, Sin.-Pliensb. Nodular limestone with compaction features. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 22 K
GRD01IMS0 Burrows Dark grey limestone from slumps formation; radiolarians, shell fragments, sponge spicules, burrowed by planolites. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01IOS0 Replacement Features Silicified micritic limestone interbedded with stringers and blobs of dark chert; occasional forams, sponge spicules, dolomite rhombs, and radiolarians. Italy 2 Ritter 154, 18 Q
GRD01IVS0 Cements Oolitic grainstone; some ooids have granular cores, with significant porosity and diagenetic cement. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01J6S0 Nodular Beds Grey marly limestone with wavy beds: echinoderm fragments, fine pellets, shell fragments. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 22 J
GRD01JSS0 Replacement Features Small white sample of fine-grained limestone. Starry crystal clusters of gypsum replaced by dolomite. Micrite matrix. Original label: Dolomitic micrite of the Tansill formation. New Mexico 1 Ritter 154, 23 K
GRD01JWS0 Replacement Features Abundant silicified fusulinids (Tranzardel) in upper sands of Cherry Canyon; terrigenous material in matrix. New Mexico 1 Ritter 154, 18 O
GRD01JXS0 Replacement Features Glauconite replacing ooids/pellets (?). Original label: Bedded sandstone from the near the top of condensed level at base of clinoform in Cherry Canyon. New Mexico 1 Ritter 154, 18 O
GRD01KIS0 Replacement Features Medium to coarse-grained chert spheres in cryptocrystalline matrix. Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 O
GRD01L7S0 Replacement Features Marly limestone interbedded with cherty layers; Turbidite; irregular chertification Italy 1 Ritter 154, 18 O
GRD01LAS0 Compaction Features Micrite; Crystalline calcite veins, filaments and radiolarians; styolite Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01LGS0 Replacement Features Laminated limestone; chertification Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MBS0 Sedimentary Dikes Coarsely crystalline calcite between yellowish limestone blocks; small sample. Billet. Italy 1 Camp Elliott
GRD01MCS0 Sedimentary Structures Dike breccia with coarsely crystalline calcite veins. Very small hand sample Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD01MDS0 Sedimentary Structures Dike breccia with coarsely crystalline calcite veins. Very small hand sample Italy 0 Camp Elliott