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Sample Type is Igneous › Volcanic › Felsic Extrusive

85 records | Download
IGSN Sample Type Notes Location Number Thin Sections Storage Location
GRD0092S0 Trachyte soda, TSB only Mexico 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0093S0 Trachyte TSB only Mexico 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0094S0 Rhyolite soda Mexico 0 Camp Elliott
GRD0097S0 Trachyte Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00A9S0 Obsidian Likely from Mount Ourito Flow on Easter Island (rhyolite flow). Chile 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00AGS0 Rhyolite Pantellerite (soda rhyolite). Very small sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00AHS0 Trachyte Pantelleritic. Small hand sample. Italy 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00ANS0 Obsidian A local example of obsidian. California 0 Ritter 154, 15 M
GRD00APS0 Rhyolite inclusion in I-410; Quartz-K-spar(?)- amphibole California 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00BFS0 Rhyolite TSB only Colorado 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00BKS0 Rhyolite Colorado 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00BMS0 Rhyolite TSB only Colorado 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00BZS0 Latite Acmite bearing neph syenite dike. Samples 474-500 taken from Rwanda and Burundi (East African Rift) Rwanda 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00CDS0 Trachyte Biotite phenocrysts. Samples 474-500 taken from Rwanda and Burundi (East African Rift) Rwanda 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00CES0 Trachyte Biotite and Plag phenorcrysts. Samples 474-500 taken from Rwanda and Burundi (East African Rift) Rwanda 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00CFS0 Latite Hypersthene-latite with tridymite (High Temperature Qtz.) Crystals in vugs. Samples 474-500 taken from Rwanda and Burundi (East African Rift) Rwanda 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00CGS0 Latite Hypersthene-latite with tridymite (High Temperature Qtz.) Samples 474-500 taken from Rwanda and Burundi (East African Rift) Rwanda 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00CXS0 Trachyte Original description: Soda trachyte. Samples I-501 to I-510 taken from Congo Tanganikia province Congo {Democratic Rep} 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00CYS0 Trachyte Original description: Q-anorthoclase trachyte (Q-Amph-green Px). Samples 511-519 from Ascension Island. United Kingdom 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00D1S0 Rhyolite Small sample. Original description: Soda comendite (peralkaline rhyolite). Samples 511-519 from Ascension Island. United Kingdom 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00D5S0 Trachyte Original description: Aegirine trachyte. United Kingdom 0
GRD00D6S0 Obsidian Small sample. Samples 511-519 from Ascension Island. United Kingdom 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00DBS0 Rhyolite Small sample. Original description: Q porphyry. South Africa 0 Camp Elliott
GRD00E1S0 Trachyte Trachyte porphyry associated with Tulameen BC ultramafic complex (likely Late Triassic). Canada 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00GBS0 Rhyolite Very altered rhyolite from 595 Ma Lynn-Mattapan volcanic complex. Thin section in Wards Micro Slides box in Ritter 154. Massachusetts 1 Camp Elliott
GRD00GCS0 Rhyolite Rhyolite with flow bands. Minerals include topaz, spessartine, quartz, sanidine. Colorado 1 Ritter 154, 15 G
GRD00GFS0 Rhyolite altered black porphyritic rhyolite. Part of Marblehead Neck volcanic plug (dark fine grained rhyolite and lighter volcanic breccias) Massachusetts 1 Ritter 154, 15 G
GRD00GJS0 Trachyte trachyte (Ks-Plag-Bi), 2 large hand samples. Colorado 0 Ritter 154, 15 H
GRD00GYS0 Rhyolite rhyolite porphyry (Ks>Pl, Hb, Q). Porphyritic rhyolite, with K-spar and phenocrysts 0 Ritter 154, 15 G
GRD00HMS0 Obsidian altered obsidian with Q 0 Camp Elliott