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Catalog # Phylum Major Taxa Genus Species Count Photo Station # Country Location Collector Notes
A10261 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Oasisia many A3339 International waters -31.159, -111.933 Robert Vrijenhoek A3339-A1. Originally identified as: 'Oasisia and Tevnia'. Original comments: 31/32S . Dive: A3339. Location: 31 8 South EPR. Site description: 31 S. Coordinates, depth: 31-09.532S, 111-55.948W, 2338 m. Contains Oasisia and Tevnia.
A10263 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Aphroditidae Laetmonice 1 T669 United States 32.633, -121.496 David Clague T669-A8. Originally identified as: Aphroditidae. Paper label indicates "Laetmonice" likely by L. Harris, given her ID of commensal N265 (formerly A10264). Dive: 669. Coordinates, depth: 32.637044, -121.496076, 2348.1 m. Oxygen: 2.23. Salinity: 34.557. Temperature: 1.866. Light: 85.17. Image: Video: T0669-04. Tape time code: 04:04:55:08. Associations: audio-comment | self | bronze, identity-reference | self | 1, image-quality | self | good, perspective | self | close-up, sample-reference | self | T669-A8, sampled-by | equipment | suction-sampler. Vial formerly assigned A10262 contains only chaetae of A10263 and was re-labeled A10263 for consistency. Additional ethanol 2-ml subsample collected in the field by G. Rouse. Subsampled in 2 ml ethanol, -20C.
A10265 Annelida many D234 United States 36.613, -122.433 Greg Rouse | Robert Vrijenhoek D234-A16. Originally identified as: 'R3 Worms'. Dive: D234. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 36 36.5127, 122 26.1029, 2890 m.
A10266 Annelida many T1119 United States 36.708, -122.105 Robert Vrijenhoek T1119-mixed. Originally identified as: 'misc taxa including polychates and hydroids'. Dive: T1119. Location: Patrick whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.5032, 122 6.3077, 1819.8 m.
A10267 Annelida many T488 United States 36.227, -122.880 Robert Vrijenhoek T488-wood (4). Originally identified as: 'Wood organisms mixed lot'. Original comments: from wood . Dive: T488. Location: Shephard meander. Coordinates, depth: 36.225457, -122.88363, 3456 m.
A10268 Annelida many T488 United States 36.227, -122.880 Robert Vrijenhoek T488-wood (5). Originally identified as: 'Wood organisms mixed lot'. Original comments: from wood . Dive: T488. Location: Shephard meander. Coordinates, depth: 36.225457, -122.88363, 3456 m.
A10269 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax many T1163 | cow bones United States 36.708, -122.105 Greg Rouse T1163-Mixed. Originally identified as: 'mixed lot Osedax'. Original comments: . Dive: T1163. Location: Patrick Whalefall. Site description: from cowbones. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.4965, 122 6.3161, 1819 m. 8 small vials in a holding jar.
A10270 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax many T1119 United States 36.708, -122.105 Robert Vrijenhoek T1119-mixed. Originally identified as: 'mixed lot Osedax'. Original comments:  small 9 vials with ind osedax numbered. Dive: T1119. Location: Patrick whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.5032, 122 6.3077, 1819.8 m. 10 small vials in holding jar.
A10271 Annelida Polychaeta many T488 United States 36.227, -122.880 Robert Vrijenhoek T488-mixed-2 (2). Originally identified as: 'Representative wood orgs mixed lot'. Original comments: from wood . Dive: T488. Location: Shephard meander. Coordinates, depth: 36.225457, -122.88363, 3456 m.
A10272 Annelida Polychaeta many T488 United States 36.227, -122.880 Robert Vrijenhoek T488-mixed-2 (3). Originally identified as: 'Representative wood orgs mixed lot'. Original comments: from wood . Dive: T488. Location: Shephard meander. Coordinates, depth: 36.225457, -122.88363, 3456 m.
A10273 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Oasisia 23 D750 Mexico 23.960, -108.863 Greg Rouse D750-A6. Originally identified as: 'Riftia (one small) many Oasisia'. Original comments: and Tevnia? SIO Smith. split. Dive: D750. Location: Pescadero Vent Z. Site description: Pescadero Vent Field. Coordinates, depth: 23.9568009999999, -108.861870999999, 3677.1 m. Framegrabs: Photos: Riftia-D750-03_55_03_17.jpg.
A10274 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax 16 T1119 United States 36.708, -122.105 Robert Vrijenhoek T1119 cowbone. Originally identified as: 'Osedax from cowbones'. Original comments: from P3 lots of osedax! . Dive: T1119. Location: Patrick whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.5032, 122 6.3077, 1819.8 m.
A10275 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax T916 United States 36.771, -122.083 Robert Vrijenhoek T916-A2 . Originally identified as: 'Osedax'. Original comments: extra osedax. Dive: T916. Location: Frank Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2919, 122 4.9719, 1019 m.
A10536 Annelida Amphinomida Amphinomidae Archinome 1 D388 Mexico 27.588, -111.474 Greg Rouse | Sigrid Katz | Robert Vrijenhoek DR388 A2. Originally identified as: 'Black Archinome'. Original comments: Polychaeta. Dive: D388. Location: new pock Pinky's vent GoC. Site description: 02:30:30:15. Coordinates, depth: 27.5878739999999, -111.47372, 1565.8 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 27.5878629999999, -111.473684, 1565.2 m. Framegrabs: Multiple jars under same D388 tag.
A10537 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax jabba 5 T777 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T777-A19. Originally identified as: 'Limnosadax'. Dive: T777. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8057, 122 26.1247, 2891 m. Original jar marking " 'Limnodax' "; contains mucus-like pieces, perhaps tubes. Interpreted as O. jabba.
A10538 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae many T1119 United States 36.708, -122.105 Robert Vrijenhoek T1119-A4. Originally identified as: 'crab and scaleworm'. Original comments: from canister 1. Dive: T1119. Location: Patrick whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.5032, 122 6.3077, 1819.8 m.
A10539 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax many T486 United States 36.613, -122.433 Shana Goffredi T486-A4. Originally identified as: 'Osedax'. Dive: T486. Location: whale fall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.7889, 122 26.0142, 2891 m.
A10540 Annelida Polychaeta 1 T769 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T769-PC72. Originally identified as: 'Tubeworms at wood'. Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Site description: Collected for V. Pearse. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 36 36.8155, 122 26.1192, 2893 m.
A10541 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax many T769 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T769-A25b. Originally identified as: 'Osedax mucous tubes'. Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 36 36.8129, 122 26.1378, 2893 m.
A10542 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Nereididae? 1 T769 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T769-A24. Originally identified as: 'Nereid???'. Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 36 36.8129, 122 26.1378, 2893 m.
A10543 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Ampharetidae many D623 United States 32.777, -117.488 Greg Rouse | Robert Vrijenhoek D623-SS5. Originally identified as: 'Ampharetids'. Original comments: TO Greg Rouse. Dive: D623. Location: Rosebud the Whale. Site description: 04:42:55:28. Coordinates, depth: 32.776812, -117.488106, 842.8 m. Framegrabs:
A10544 Annelida many T769 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T769-A28. Originally identified as: 'Red worms'. Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 36 36.8129, 122 26.1378, 2893 m.
A10545 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae 1 T769 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T769-A27. Originally identified as: 'Scale worm'. Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 36 36.8129, 122 26.1378, 2893 m.
A10546 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax many T916 United States 36.771, -122.083 Robert Vrijenhoek T916-A15. Originally identified as: 'Osedax'. Original comments: on bone . Dive: T916. Location: Frank Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2919, 122 4.9719, 1019 m.
A10547 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Hesionidae many T769 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T769-A26. Originally identified as: 'Hessionids'. Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m.
A10548 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae Branchiplicatus 1 T549 Mexico 27.012, -111.407 Robert Vrijenhoek T549-A5. Originally identified as: 'Branchiplicates'. Original comments: fuzzy foot. Dive: T549. Location: Guaymas Hot Vents GOC. Site description: AKA Fuzzy Foot. Coordinates, depth: 27 0.6961, 111 24.4131, 2006.8 m.
A10549 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae 1 T917 United States 36.613, -122.433 Robert Vrijenhoek T917-A14. Originally identified as: 'scale worm'. Original comments: canister 11. Dive: T917. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Site description: Ruby. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8031, 122 26.1203, 2893.3 m.
A10550 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Terebellidae many T548 Mexico 27.577, -111.450 Robert Vrijenhoek T548-A24. Originally identified as: 'Terrebellidae'. Dive: T548. Location: Guaymas Transform Fault GOC. Site description: small. Coordinates, depth: 27 34.5541, 111 26.8541, 1755.6 m.
A10551 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Lamellibrachia 1 V2114 United States 36.772, -122.081 Patrick Whaling V2114-A1. Originally identified as: 'Lamellibrachia'. Dive: V2114.
A10552 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Ampharetidae Amphisamytha galapagensis many T188 United States 42.754, -126.710 David Clague T188-A1-1. Originally identified as: Polychaeta mixed. Original comments: also some P. palmiformis. Dive: 188. Coordinates, depth: 42.75419, -126.7096, 2700.22 m. Oxygen: 2.56. Salinity: 34.534. Temperature: 1.775. Light: 88.98. Image: Video: T0188-05. Tape time code: 05:08:18:06. Associations: population-quantity | self | 999, sample-reference | self | T188A1, sampled-by | equipment | manipulator, Amphisamytha galapagensis that were on Ridgeia. Subsampled in 2 ml ethanol, -20C.