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Catalog # Phylum Major Taxa Genus Species Count Photo Station # Country Location Collector Notes
A10060 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Onuphidae Hyalinoecia 2 S0214 S1 Costa Rica 9.117, -84.842 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0058. Event: S1. Formalin material: 1 complete, 1 subsampled voucher. Ethanol material: subsample (2 ml). Photos: macro 3768...3778.
A10061 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Lamellibrachia donwalshi 5 S0215 Q7 Costa Rica 8.930, -84.314 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0075
A10062 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Sabellida Sabellidae 2 S0214 B3-8 Costa Rica 9.118, -84.842 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0080. Sabellids on rock. Event: B3-8. Lisa Rock. Formalin material: 1 complete, 1 subsampled voucher. Ethanol material: subsample (2 ml).
A10063 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Sabellida Serpulidae Laminatubus joycebrooksae 1 S0215 Q7 Costa Rica 8.930, -84.314 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0081. A10063 (CR19-0081) was originally 6 individuals: one sequenced specimen to be separated and donated to MZUCR as a paratype, MZUCR 1507-01; 5 individuals assigned new catalog number A13267. Field notes: serpulids on Lamellibrachia. Event: Q7. Photos: Macro. Original ID Serpulidae.
A10064 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Maldanidae Nicomache cf. lokii? 2 S0214 B4-4 Costa Rica 9.118, -84.840 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0082
A10065 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae Branchipolynoe 1 S0215 S1 Costa Rica 8.930, -84.312 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0083
A10066 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae 2 S0218 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.956, -84.630 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0089
A10067 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Terebellidae | Polycirrinae 4 S0219 S8 terebellid Costa Rica 9.282, -85.281 Greg Rouse | Avery Hiley CR19-0098. Swimming terebellids. Event: S8. One whole to Lisa; one PFA with subsample to Lisa; one whole in formalin; one bisected RNAlater/frozen with piece in ethanol. Formalin material: 1 (15 ml). Ethanol material: subsample (2 ml), voucher. RNAlater material: piece. PFA material: 1. Other material: piece frozen -80C. Photos: 241-4342...47.
A10068 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Sphaerodoridae Sphaerodoropsis sp. A10068 2 S0214 S1 Costa Rica 9.117, -84.842 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0100
A10069 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Sphaerodoridae Sphaerephesia sp. A10069 1 S0214 S1 Costa Rica 9.117, -84.842 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0101. Sphaerodorid 2. Event: wood slurp S1. Ethanol material: 1. Photos: 0765-7 x6.
A10070 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae Peinaleopolynoe mineoi 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0103
A10071 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae Peinaleopolynoe mineoi 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0105. Event: Bone Cage C. Site: Far Far Away. Larger specimen. Ethanol material: whole. Photos: 0806-16 x 0.63.
A10072 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Sabellida Serpulidae Laminatubus paulbrooksi 2 S0214 B3-8 Costa Rica 9.118, -84.842 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0106. Serpulids on rock. Event: B3-8. Ethanol material: 2 (15 ml). Photos: Macro.
A10073 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax S0214 B3-7 Costa Rica 9.117, -84.842 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0107
A10074 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0108
A10075 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0109
A10076 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0110
A10077 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0111
A10078 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0112
A10079 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax 1 S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0113
A10080 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0114
A10081 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Osedax S0215 B3-7 Costa Rica 8.933, -84.308 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0115
A10082 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae sp. A10082 4 S0216 B6 Costa Rica 8.852, -84.219 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0123
A10083 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Hesionidae Gyptis sp. A10083 1 S0216 B4-2 Costa Rica 8.853, -84.218 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0124
A10084 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Dorvilleidae Ophryotrocha tilici 4 S0217 S2 Costa Rica 9.049, -84.394 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0125, MZUCR 1512-01.
A10085 Annelida Chaetopteriformia Chaetopteridae Phyllochaetopterus sp. 6 1 S0217 Costa Rica 9.049, -84.394 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0126. Only fragments. Pieces to Lisa. Event not specified. Formalin material: anterior (2 ml). Ethanol material: pieces (2 ml). Photos: 0941-2 x3.
A10086 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae Bathykurila cf. guaymasensis 6 S0217 S2 Costa Rica 9.049, -84.394 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0136
A10087 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Hesionidae Sirsoe munki 10 S0217 S2 Costa Rica 9.049, -84.394 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0137. Event: S2, dense bacterial mat with many dorvilleids. Isotope samples to Lisa. Blue hesionid. Formalin material: 5. Ethanol material: 5. Photos: 0952-5 x2.5, 0956-7 x3.2.
A10088 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Chrysopetalidae Micospina auribohnorum 5 S0217 S2 Costa Rica 9.049, -84.394 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0138. Event: S2, dense bacterial mat with many dorvilleids. Isotope samples to Lisa. Ethanol material: 1. Formalin: 4. Photos: 0958-60 x3.2.
A10089 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Escarpia spicata 11 S0217 B4-1 Costa Rica 9.049, -84.394 Greg Rouse | Allison Miller CR19-0140