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Catalog # Phylum Major Taxa Genus Species Count Photo Station # Country Location Collector Notes
W15736 Mollusca E20, Rep 1 United States 32.683, -117.328 City of San Diego
W15737 Mollusca E20, Rep 2 United States 32.683, -117.328 City of San Diego
W15738 Mollusca E21, Rep 1 United States 32.681, -117.333 City of San Diego
W15739 Mollusca E21, Rep 2 United States 32.681, -117.333 City of San Diego
W15740 Mollusca E23, Rep 1 United States 32.691, -117.329 City of San Diego
W15741 Mollusca E23, Rep 2 United States 32.691, -117.329 City of San Diego
W15742 Mollusca E25, Rep 1 United States 32.706, -117.335 City of San Diego
W15743 Mollusca E25, Rep 2 United States 32.706, -117.335 City of San Diego
W15744 Mollusca E26, Rep 1 United States 32.730, -117.343 City of San Diego
W15745 Mollusca E26, Rep 2 United States 32.730, -117.343 City of San Diego
W15746 Mollusca B8, Rep 1 United States 32.758, -117.346 City of San Diego
W15747 Mollusca B8, Rep 2 United States 32.758, -117.346 City of San Diego
W15748 Mollusca B9, Rep 1 United States 32.755, -117.362 City of San Diego
W15749 Mollusca B9, Rep 2 United States 32.755, -117.362 City of San Diego
W15750 Mollusca B10, Rep 1 United States 32.754, -117.369 City of San Diego
W15751 Mollusca B10, Rep 2 United States 32.754, -117.369 City of San Diego
W15752 Mollusca B11, Rep 1 United States 32.776, -117.356 City of San Diego
W15753 Mollusca B11, Rep 2 United States 32.776, -117.356 City of San Diego
W15754 Mollusca B12, Rep 1 United States 32.773, -117.372 City of San Diego
W15755 Mollusca B12, Rep 2 United States 32.773, -117.372 City of San Diego
W15756 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Sternaspida Sternaspidae Sternaspis A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15757 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Scalibregmatidae Travisia A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15758 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Cirratulida Flabelligeridae Pherusa A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15759 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Maldanidae Axiothella A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15760 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Spionida Spionidae Paraprionospio pinnata not specified, likely A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15761 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Scalibregmatidae Travisia not specified, likely A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15762 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Cirratulida Flabelligeridae Trophoniella hospitis not specified, likely A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15763 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Sternaspida Sternaspidae Sternaspis affinis not specified, likely A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego
W15764 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Phyllodocidae not specified, likely A8 United States 32.664, -117.281 City of San Diego