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Catalog # Phylum Major Taxa Genus Species Count Photo Station # Country Location Collector Notes
P1906 Porifera Hexactinellida Lyssacinosida Rossellidae Staurocalyptus solidus 1 T628 United States 34.088, -121.076 David Clague RVC-9066, T628-A11. Originally identified as: 'Porifera' by C. Seid and A. Gannon. MBARI database ID: Staurocalyptus solidus. Original comments: Biobox . Dive: T628. Location: Rodriguez Seamount. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH. P1823, P1825, and P1906 are different preparations of the same specimen; synonymize as P1823.
P1907 Porifera Hexactinellida Sceptrulophora Farreidae Farrea occa 1 T628 United States 34.088, -121.076 David Clague RVC-9068, T628-A1. Originally identified as: 'sponge' by C. Seid and A. Gannon. MBARI database ID: Farrea occa, with hydroids. Original comments: Biobox . Dive: T628. Location: Rodriguez Seamount. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH. P1824 and P1907 are different preparations of the same specimen; synonymize as P1824.
P1908 Porifera 1 T628 United States 34.088, -121.076 David Clague RVC-9071, T628 from R22. Originally identified as: 'sponge'. Dive: T628. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH. P1783 (T628-R22) and P1908 (T628 from R22) are likely different preparations of the same specimen; synonymize as P1783.
P1909 Porifera 1 T404 United States 36.169, -121.719 Charlie Paull RVC-9255, RS1. Originally identified as: 'sponge'. Vrijenhoek database comments: 'frozen'; 'need to get info from charlie.' Dive: T404. Location: Partington Canyon. Coordinates, depth: 36.169252499999999, -121.7188965, 333 m. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH.
P1910 Porifera 4 T402 United States 36.242, -121.927 Charlie Paull RVC-9263, RS8. Originally identified as: 'sponges'. Vrijenhoek database comments: 'frozen'. Dive: T402. Location: Sur Canyon. Coordinates, depth: 36.246807 , -121.919698, 298 m. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH.
P1911 Porifera T555 Mexico 20.830, -109.100 Greg Rouse RVC-9309, A1. Originally identified as: 'Sponges'. Vrijenhoek database comments: '"1 bunch in ethanol, some frozen"'. Dive: T555. Location: 21 N - Clam Acres. Coordinates, depth: 20 49.8320, 109 6.1943, 2604.6 m. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH.
P1912 Porifera T425 United States 35.791, -122.678 Andrew DeVogelaere RVC-9400, T425-R1. Originally identified as: 'sponge? (inverts)'. Dive: T425. Comments from processing: not in datasheets. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH.
P1913 Porifera T425 United States 35.791, -122.678 Andrew DeVogelaere RVC-9435, T425-A9b. Originally identified as: 'Yellow Sponge'. Original comments: B. Vrijenhoek. Dive: T425. Location: Davidson Seamount. Coordinates, depth: 35.716428999999998, -122.725435, 1383 m. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH.
P1914 Porifera T425 United States 35.791, -122.678 Andrew DeVogelaere RVC-9437, T425-A17b. Originally identified as: 'White Fluffy Sponge'. Original comments: B. Vrijenhoek. Dive: T425. Location: Davidson Seamount. Coordinates, depth: 35.716428999999998, -122.725435, 1383 m. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH.
P1915 Porifera T425 United States 35.791, -122.678 Andrew DeVogelaere RVC-9439, A10b. Originally identified as: 'White Sponge'. Original comments: B. Vrijenhoek; Cryovial -Freeze. Dive: T425. Location: Davidson Seamount. Coordinates, depth: 35.716428999999998, -122.725435, 1383 m.
P1916 Porifera T425 United States 35.791, -122.678 Andrew DeVogelaere RVC-9438, A15b. Originally identified as: 'Pale Yellow Goiter Sponge'. Original comments: B. Vrijenhoek; Cryovial - Freeze. Dive: T425. Location: Davidson Seamount. Coordinates, depth: 35.716428999999998, -122.725435, 1383 m.
P1917 Porifera T425 United States 35.791, -122.678 Andrew DeVogelaere RVC-9440, A5b. Originally identified as: 'Yellow Sponge'. Original comments: B. Vrijenhoek; Cryovial -Freeze. Dive: T425. Location: Davidson Seamount. Coordinates, depth: 35.716428999999998, -122.725435, 1383 m.
P1918 Porifera T176 United States 44.493, -130.300 Debra Stakes RVC-9540, from T176. Originally identified as: 'filamentous sheet sponge'. Dive: T176. Location: Blanco, Cleft, etc.. Coordinates, depth: 44.509425999999998, -130.35891000000001. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 44.5094, -130.3588. Original bag markings: "B2 Bag 5, microscope 2/22/00"
P2027 Porifera 1 T175 International waters 44.498, -130.322 Debra Stakes RVC-4623, T175-G4-SP1. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position A/6. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZV98. USNM catalog number: 1487817. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2028 Porifera 1 T176 United States 44.493, -130.300 Debra Stakes RVC-4624, T176-B2-SP1. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position A/7. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZV99. USNM catalog number: 1487818. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2029 Porifera 1 T176 United States 44.493, -130.300 Debra Stakes RVC-4625, T176-B2-SP2. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position A/8. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW00. USNM catalog number: 1487819. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2030 Porifera 1 T176 United States 44.493, -130.300 Debra Stakes RVC-4626, T176-B2-SP3. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position A/9. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW01. USNM catalog number: 1487820. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2031 Porifera 1 T176 United States 44.493, -130.300 Debra Stakes RVC-4627, T176-B2-SP4. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position B/1. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW02. USNM catalog number: 1487821. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2032 Porifera 1 T176 United States 44.493, -130.300 Debra Stakes RVC-4628, T176-B3-SP1. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position B/2. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW03. USNM catalog number: 1487822. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2033 Porifera 1 T181 International waters 44.654, -130.375 Debra Stakes RVC-4629, T181-SP1-1. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position B/3. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW04. USNM catalog number: 1487823. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2034 Porifera 1 T182 International waters 45.934, -130.003 Debra Stakes RVC-4630, T182-SP1-2. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position B/4. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW05. USNM catalog number: 1487824. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2035 Porifera 1 T182 International waters 45.934, -130.003 Debra Stakes RVC-4631, T182-SP2. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position B/5. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW06. USNM catalog number: 1487825. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2036 Porifera 1 T175 International waters 44.498, -130.322 Debra Stakes RVC-4632, T175-B10-SP1. SIO Box 58, MBARI_0088, position B/6. USNM biorepository number: AK3ZW07. USNM catalog number: 1487826. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample; remarks: from rock 4.
P2037 Porifera 1 T283 United States 19.924, -156.100 David Clague RVC-5311, T283-AR29. SIO Box 66, MBARI_0096, position F/1. USNM biorepository number: AK4AC86. USNM catalog number: none. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample.
P2038 Porifera 1 T286 United States 19.942, -156.087 David Clague RVC-5312, T286-R01. SIO Box 66, MBARI_0096, position F/2. USNM biorepository number: AK4AC87. USNM catalog number: none. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample.
P2039 Porifera 1 T324 United States 21.748, -159.510 David Clague RVC-5316, T324-A1-R1. SIO Box 66, MBARI_0096, position F/6. USNM biorepository number: AK4AC91. USNM catalog number: 1487974. Original identification: Porifera. Frozen. Sample type: Tissue & Parts; Mixed tissue sample.
P2040 Porifera Demospongiae Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Asbestopluma 1 D78 46.530, -129.566 Julio Harvey | David Clague D84-A14. Originally identified as: 'Asbestopluma'. Dive: D84-A14. Location: Pioneer Seamount. Site description: Necrapiscatorium. Coordinates, depth: 37.375849, -123.420328, 848.1 m.
Pt82 Platyhelminthes many T348 United States 40.392, -125.778 Robert Duncan T348-A15 (vial 4). Originally identified as: 'mixed lot from wood'. Original comments: all in separate vials. Dive: T348. Location: W. Gorda Escarpment. Site description: animals on wood. Coordinates, depth: 40.400407999999999, -125.770865, 2440 m. Four small vials of different specimens, 4: flatworms.
Pt83 Platyhelminthes | Rhabditophora Fecampiida 1 D12 United States 36.708, -122.105 Robert Vrijenhoek DR012-A15. Originally identified as: 'fecamptid'. Original comments: telephone wire worms. Dive: D12. Location: Patrick Whalefall. Site description: tube. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.4965, 122 6.3161, 1819 m. Sequence COI: yes.
Pt84 Platyhelminthes many T1117 United States 36.772, -122.083 Robert Vrijenhoek T1117-A10. Originally identified as: 'Pogopherans (flatworms)'. Dive: T1117. Location: Francisco Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2929, 122 4.9652 , 1020.8 m.