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Catalog # Phylum Major Taxa Genus Species Count Photo Station # Country Location Collector Notes
W10502 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Cirratulida Cirratulidae Cirriformia 2 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: slurp bottom. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Cirriformia'. Formalin: 1 whole. Ethanol: 1 whole with palps and branchiae with symbiont removed. Other: palps and branchiae with symbiont in OsO4. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: specimen whole in formalin: 6161-6165 x0.8; ethanol specimen with symbiont: 6166-6168 x0.8, 6169-6177 x4 symbiont, 6178-6189 x10, 6190-6192 x4. Field notes: with symbiont.
W10503 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Cirratulida Flabelligeridae 1 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: bottom of slurp. Field identification by Greg Rouse: flabelligerid. Formalin: anterior. Ethanol: posterior piece. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6193-6194 x0.8, 6195-6204 x1.6.
W10504 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Lamellibrachia cf. barhami 1 AD5279 | R1+R2 United States 53.748, -162.587 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: insert 10, R1+R2 hydrate ledge. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Lamellibrachia. Ethanol: 1. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6205-6207 x1.25. Field notes: juvenile; Lisa Levin wondered if it was different.
W10505 Arthropoda Malacostraca Decapoda | Anomura | Galatheoidea Munidopsidae 1 AD5279 | S4 United States 53.748, -162.587 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: Slurp 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: munidopsid. Ethanol: subsample in 2 ml, voucher in 15 ml. Photos: macro.
W10506 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Lamellibrachia cf. barhami 1 AD5279 | S4 United States 53.748, -162.587 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: Slurp 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Lamellibrachia. Ethanol: subsample in 2 ml, voucher in 15 ml. Photos: macro.
W10507 Mollusca Gastropoda | Caenogastropoda 1 AD5279 | S4 United States 53.748, -162.587 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: Slurp 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: caenogastropod. Formalin: voucher in 50 ml. Ethanol: subsample in 2 ml. Photos: macro. Field notes: same as W10402.
W10508 Animalia 1 AD5279 | R9 United States 53.748, -162.588 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: Elevator Rock 9. Field identification by Greg Rouse: mystery. Ethanol: sample. Other: subsample to Lisa Levin for isotopes. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6208-6210 x2.
W10509 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Dorvilleidae Ophryotrocha 1 AD5279 | PC9 United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: Push Core 9 orange mat. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Ophryotrocha. Formalin: anterior and posterior. Ethanol: midbody piece. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6211-6218 x1, 6219-6224 x2.
W10510 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Dorvilleidae Ophryotrocha beringiana? 1 AD5279 | PC9 United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: not stated, likely PC9. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Ophryotrocha beringiana?. Formalin: anterior and posterior. Ethanol: midbody piece. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6225-6231 x1.25, 6232-6241 x2.
W10511 Echinodermata Ophiuroidea 1 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: ophiuroid. Ethanol: arm subsample in 2 ml, 3 in 5 ml. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6242-6248 x0.8, 6249 x1.6.
W10512 Mollusca Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Provannidae Provanna pacifica 2 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Provanna pacifica. Ethanol: 2 whole + subsample together in 2 ml. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6250-6251 x1.
W10513 Mollusca Gastropoda Lepetellida Lepetodrilidae Lepetodrilus 2 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Lepetodrilus. Ethanol: 2 whole. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6253-6255 x1.
W10514 Mollusca Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Provannidae Provanna? 7 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: baby Provanna? Vetigastropoda. Formalin: 2. Ethanol: 5. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6256-6259 x1.6.
W10515 Mollusca Gastropoda Hyalogyrinidae cf. Hyalogyrina 2 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Hyalogyrina? 2?. Ethanol: 2. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6260-6266 x4.
W10516 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Dorvilleidae Ophryotrocha 1 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Ophryotrocha. Ethanol: 1. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6267-6270 x3.2.
W10517 Arthropoda Malacostraca | Peracarida Amphipoda 4 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: not stated, likely mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: mixed amphipods, two species?. Ethanol: 4. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6271-6272 x0.8.
W10518 Arthropoda Malacostraca | Peracarida Isopoda 5 AD5279 | unspecified slurp United States 53.748, -162.589 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: mixed slurps. Field identification by Greg Rouse: mixed isopods, two species. Ethanol: 5. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6273-6274 x1. Field notes: three red, two white.
W10519 Cnidaria Anthozoa | Hexacorallia Actiniaria 1 AD5279 | R8 United States 53.748, -162.588 Victoria Orphan, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5279. Verbatim event: Rock 8. Field identification by Greg Rouse: anemone with sandy 'tube', not cerianthid. Formalin: voucher in 2 ml. Ethanol: tentacles in 2 ml. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6275-6277 x0.8.
W10520 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Siboglinum 2 AD5280 | S1, S4, S5 United States 53.748, -162.589 Kira Homola, Yongzho Guo Dive: AD5280. Verbatim event: Slurp 4+5. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Siboglinum. Formalin: 2 anteriors 1 with girdle. Ethanol: trophosome section. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6282-6289 x4.
W10521 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Dorvilleidae Ophryotrocha 1 AD5280 | S1, S4, S5 United States 53.748, -162.589 Kira Homola, Yongzho Guo Dive: AD5280. Verbatim event: Slurp 4+5. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Ophryotrocha. Formalin: anterior. Ethanol: posterior. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6295-6297 x?.
W10522 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Cirratulida Acrocirridae Macrochaeta 1 AD5280 | S2 and S3 United States 53.749, -162.589 Kira Homola, Yongzho Guo Dive: AD5280. Verbatim event: Slurp 2+3. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Macrochaeta. Formalin: anterior. Ethanol: posterior. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6298-6306 x2.
W10523 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Onuphidae 1 AD5280 | S2 and S3 United States 53.749, -162.589 Kira Homola, Yongzho Guo Dive: AD5280. Verbatim event: Slurp 2+3. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Onuphidae. Formalin: anterior. Ethanol: posterior. Other: piece to Lisa Levin for isotopes. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6307-6316 x?.
W10524 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Capitellida Capitellidae 2 AD5280 | S1, S4, S5 United States 53.748, -162.589 Kira Homola, Yongzho Guo Dive: AD5280. Verbatim event: Slurp 4+5. Field identification by Greg Rouse: capitellids. Ethanol: 2. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6317-6318 x1.6.
W12558 Cnidaria | Medusozoa Scyphozoa Coronatae Atollidae Atolla vanhoeffeni 1 SP2407 Station 15 United States 33.518, -118.380 Charlotte Seid Bycatch on exterior of multicore. Ethanol: tentacle and stomach piece in 2 ml. Remainder to Levin lab for chemical analysis. Photos: Charlotte Seid's Google Pixel. Field identification by C. Seid: Atolla vanhoeffeni; has 8 spots.
W12559 Chordata | Tunicata Thaliacea Pyrosomatida Pyrosomatidae Pyrosoma atlanticum 1 SP2407 Station 15 United States 33.518, -118.380 Charlotte Seid Bycatch on exterior of multicore. Ethanol: piece of midbody in 2 ml. Remainder to Levin lab for chemical analysis. Photos: Charlotte Seid's Google Pixel. Field identification by C. Seid: Pyrosoma atlanticum.
W12560 Chordata Thaliacea Salpida Salpidae Salpa fusiformis sp. inc. 13 SP2407 Station 15 United States 33.518, -118.380 Charlotte Seid Bycatch on exterior of multicore. Formalin: whole photographed individual in 15 ml. Ethanol: whole individual in 15 ml. Remainder (~11 whole individuals) to Levin lab for chemical analysis. Photos: Charlotte Seid's Google Pixel. Field identification by C. Seid: probably Salpa fusiformis based on smooth tunic, but possibly Salpa aspera.
W12561 Chordata Thaliacea Salpida? 1 SP2407 Station 15 United States 33.518, -118.380 Charlotte Seid Bycatch on exterior of multicore. Ethanol: piece in 2 ml. Remainder to Levin lab for chemical analysis. Photos: Charlotte Seid's Google Pixel. Field identification by C. Seid: damaged mystery gelata, possibly interior of salp?
W12562 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Hesionidae Neogyptis? sp. SIO_BIC_W5347 1 SP2407 Station 15 United States 33.518, -118.380 Charlotte Seid Core depth: 0 cm, picked from top of sediment. Ethanol: anterior fragment in 2 ml. Photos, Canon T6i with Leica MZ12.5 +1.0x lens: x2.5: 6086...6088, 6094, 6095, 6103...6105; x63: 6089...6093, 6096...6102. Field identification by C. Seid: fragile hesionid?, maybe same as W73? Field notes: female, spewed eggs, salt crystals stuck to chaetae upon fixation.
W12563 Entoprocta Barentsiidae cf. Barentsia several colonies SP2407 Station 15 United States 33.518, -118.380 Charlotte Seid Core depth: 0 cm, picked from top of sediment. Additional colonies (not photographed) sorted from 0-2 cm core depth, sieved 125-250 um. Ethanol: photographed colonies #1 and #2 in 2 ml, additional non-photographed colonies in 2 x 2 ml (note, these contain more sediment). Formalin: part of photographed colony #2 in 2 ml. Photos, Canon T6i with Leica MZ12.5 +1.0x lens: colony #1: x1.25: 6106, 6107; x10.0: 6108...6114, 6116...6128; x2.5: 6115; x5.0: 6129; colony #2: x2.5: 6130...6132, 6145, 6146; x5.0: 6133, 6135...6144; x10.0: 6134. Field identification by C. Seid: entoprocts, likely same as "Barentsia" from barrels.
W12564 Annelida Chaetopteriformia Chaetopteridae Phyllochaetopterus limicolus 1 SP2407 Station 15 United States 33.518, -118.380 Charlotte Seid Core depth: 0-2 cm, sieved 125-250 um. Ethanol: posterior subsample in 2 ml. Remainder to Levin lab for chemical analysis. Photos, Canon T6i with Leica MZ12.5 +1.0x lens: x1.6: 6147...6149. Field identification by C. Seid: Phyllochaetopterus limicolus. Field notes: anterior fragment, found without tube.