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Catalog # Phylum Major Taxa Genus Species Count Photo Station # Country Location Collector Notes
W10260 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Ampharetidae Pavelius 4 AD5272 | unspecified United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: not stated, likely Slurp 3. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Pavelius. Formalin: 1. Ethanol: 2. Other: 1 for isotopes to Lisa Levin. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4426-4437 x1.
W10261 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae Peinaleopolynoe 1 AD5272 | S4 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Slurp 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Peinaleopolynoe. Formalin: body. Ethanol: parapodium. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4438-4442 x0.8. Field notes: no scales.
W10262 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae | Macellicephalinae Macellicephala 1 AD5272 | unspecified United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: not stated, maybe Slurp 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Macellicephala white. Ethanol: 1. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4443-4446 x2.
W10263 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Spirobrachia sp. 2 "small" 6 AD5272 | PC12 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Pushcore 12. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Spirobrachia 2. Formalin: 1 whole with tube. Ethanol: 1 whole and piece of split male individual. Other: 1 whole and piece of split male individual in glute; 1 whole frozen at -80C; 1 to Lisa Levin for isotopes; 1 male individual split (anterior and gonad in glute, piece in ethanol; isotopes; trophosome in glute/ethanol to Shana Goffredi). Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4447-4456 x1.25, 4457-4465 x2.5.
W10264 Arthropoda Malacostraca | Peracarida Amphipoda Caprellidae several AD5272 | S4 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Slurp 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Caprellidae. Ethanol: several in 2 x 2 ml. Other: isotope sample; some to Shana Goffredi. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4466-4481 x0.8. Field notes: hanging on frenulate.
W10265 Arthropoda Malacostraca | Peracarida Amphipoda 3 AD5272 | S4 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Slurp 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: amphipod. Ethanol: 2. Other: 1 for isotopes to Lisa Levin. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4482-4483 x1.25.
W10266 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Syllidae Prosphaerosyllis ~12 AD5272 | combined slurps United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: bottom of slurp chamber. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Prosphaerosyllis. Formalin: ~8. Ethanol: ~4. Other: 1 for isotopes to Lisa Levin, 1 to Shana Goffredi. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4484-4486 x3.2, 4487-4494 x6.3, 4495-4497 x4, 4498-4502 x3.2 female with brood. Field notes: syllid, dorsal brooder.
W10267 Mollusca Aplacophora 6 AD5272 | A1 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: A1 frenulate bouquet. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Aplacophora. Formalin: 3. Ethanol: 1. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4503-4504 x1. Field notes: 1 to Lisa Levin for isotopes, 1 to Shana Goffredi.
W10268 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Glyceridae Glycera 1 AD5272 | A1 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: A1. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Glycera. Formalin: anterior. Ethanol: piece. Other: piece to Lisa Levin for isotopes. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4505-5408 x1.
W10269 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida Terebellidae | Polycirrinae 1 AD5272 | A1 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: A1. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Polycirrinae. Formalin: anterior. Ethanol: piece. Other: piece to Lisa Levin for isotopes. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4509-4514 x1.
W10270 Mollusca Aplacophora 1 AD5272 | unspecified United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: not stated, maybe A1. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Aplacophora. Formalin: anterior and posterior. Ethanol: midbody piece. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4515-4517 x2. Field notes: Shana Goffredi and Lisa Levin each have half of another individual from PC6.
W10271 Arthropoda Malacostraca Decapoda | Anomura | Galatheoidea Munidopsidae 1 AD5272 | combined slurps United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Slurps 3 + 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: munidopsid. Ethanol: voucher in 50 ml, leg in 2 ml. Photos: macro. Field notes: white, orange eyes, largest; one of four specimens from slurps 3+4.
W10272 Arthropoda Malacostraca Decapoda | Anomura | Galatheoidea Munidopsidae 1 AD5272 | combined slurps United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Slurps 3 + 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: munidopsid. Ethanol: leg subsample. Other: voucher donated for outreach. Photos: no photos. Field notes: one of four specimens from slurps 3+4.
W10273 Arthropoda Malacostraca Decapoda | Anomura | Galatheoidea Munidopsidae 1 AD5272 | combined slurps United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Slurps 3 + 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: munidopsid. Ethanol: voucher in 50 ml, leg in 2 ml. Photos: macro.
W10274 Arthropoda Malacostraca Decapoda | Anomura | Galatheoidea Munidopsidae 1 AD5272 | combined slurps United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: Slurps 3 + 4. Field identification by Greg Rouse: munidopsid. Ethanol: voucher in 15 ml, leg in 2 ml. Photos: macro.
W10275 Cnidaria | Medusozoa Hydrozoa 1 AD5272 | A1 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: on Spirobrachia tube. Field identification by Greg Rouse: hydroid or foram?. Ethanol: piece in 2 ml. Other: pieces to Lisa Levin and Shana Goffredi. Photos: no photos. Field notes: on Spirobrachia tube.
W10276 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Capitellida Capitellidae 1 AD5272 | A1 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: on Spirobrachia tubes. Field identification by Greg Rouse: capitellid. Ethanol: 1 in 2 ml. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4540-4543 x0.8. Field notes: on Spirobrachia tubes.
W10277 Mollusca Gastropoda Hyalogyrinidae cf. Hyalogyrina 4 AD5272 | PC6 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: PC6. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Hyalogyrina?. Ethanol: 2 shells and 2 live, together in 2 ml. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4544-4552 x3.2. Field notes: from PC6, 1-2 cm.
W10278 Foraminifera Monothalamea Astrorhizida Astrorhizidae 1 AD5272 | A1 United States 57.456, -148.002 Matt Skorina, Shana Goffredi Dive: AD5272. Verbatim event: on Spirobrachia tubes. Field identification by Greg Rouse: astrorhizinid. Ethanol: 1 in 2 ml (given to Shana Goffredi). Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4553-4556 x1.6. Field notes: new in addition to arborescent forams.
W10279 Arthropoda Malacostraca Decapoda | Anomura | Galatheoidea Munidopsidae Munidopsis 1 AD5273 | unspecified United States 57.452, -148.002 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: not stated. Field identification by Charlotte Seid: Munidopsis. Ethanol: leg subsample. Photos: not listed. C. Seid notes: not in field book, but likely this is an additional subsample of W10283.
W10280 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae Peinaleopolynoe 1 AD5273 | S1 United States 57.456, -148.002 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: Slurp 1. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Peinaleopolynoe. Formalin: body. Ethanol: scales. Other: scales to Lisa Levin for isotopes. Photos: macro.
W10281 Cnidaria | Medusozoa Hydrozoa AD5273 | BB16 United States 57.456, -148.002 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: Box 16. Field identification by Greg Rouse: hydroid. Formalin: pieces in 5 ml. Ethanol: pieces in 2 ml. Photos: not listed. Field notes: on frenulate tubes; used for incubation experiment.
W10282 Echinodermata Holothuroidea Elasipodida Elpidiidae Peniagone 1 AD5273 | S5 United States 57.455, -148.001 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: Sl 5. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Peniagone. Ethanol: subsample, voucher. Other: two vials frozen at -80C; isotope sample to Lisa Levin. Photos: macro. Field notes: originally noted as Scotoplanes?.
W10283 Arthropoda Malacostraca Decapoda | Anomura | Galatheoidea Munidopsidae Munidopsis 1 AD5273 | S5 United States 57.455, -148.001 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: slurp with W10282 (S5). Field identification by Greg Rouse: Munidopsis. Ethanol: voucher in 50 ml, leg in 2 ml. Photos: macro. Field notes: from slurp with holothuroid W10282.
W10284 Echinodermata Ophiuroidea 6 AD5273 | S5 United States 57.455, -148.001 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: slurp with W10282 (S5). Field identification by Greg Rouse: ophiuroids. Ethanol: 1 in 2 ml, 5 ml. Other: some donated to outreach. Photos: macro. Field notes: from slurp with holothuroid W10282.
W10285 Echinodermata Crinoidea several AD5273 | S5 United States 57.455, -148.001 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: Sl 5. Field identification by Greg Rouse: crinoids, 2 species?. Ethanol: 1 in 2 ml, others in 50 ml. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4457-4560 x1.
W10286 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida Polynoidae | Macellicephalinae Macellicephala 1 AD5273 | unspecified United States 57.452, -148.002 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: not stated. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Macellicephala. Ethanol: parapodium and 2 scales. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4561-4568 x0.8, 4569-4572 x1.25, 4573-4576 x1.25.
W10287 Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Siboglinidae Spirobrachia sp. 2 "small" 4 AD5273 | BB12 United States 57.456, -148.002 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: Biobox 12. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Spirobrachia' 2 small. Ethanol: 1. Other: 4 girdles in glute. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4577-4591 x2.5, 4592-4613 x1.25, 4614-4631 x3.2. Field notes: 4 heads recovered; at least one female.
W10288 Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida Dorvilleidae Ophryotrocha 9 AD5273 | BB16 United States 57.456, -148.002 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: insert 16. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Ophryotrocha. Formalin: 6. Ethanol: 3. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4578-4585 x1.6, 4586-4591 x3.2. Field notes: on frenulate tubes.
W10289 Mollusca Gastropoda Nudibranchia | Aeolidioidea 1 AD5273 | BB16 United States 57.456, -148.002 Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: B16. Field identification by Greg Rouse: aeolid. Ethanol: 1. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 4632-4636 x3.2. Field notes: on tubes of Spirobrachia.