8,192 records | CSV DownloadCatalog # | Phylum | Major Taxa | Genus | Species | Count | Photo | Station # | Country | Location | Collector | Notes | ||
A10197 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Polynoidae | Branchipolynoe | symmytilida | many | A4088 | International waters | -37.793, -110.916 | Robert Vrijenhoek | Greg Rouse | Nerida Wilson | A4088-Boxc. Originally identified as: Branchipolynoe simmitilda. Original comments: from Box C mussel commensals. Dive: A4088. Location: 38S German Flats South EPR. Coordinates, depth: 37-47.563S, 110-54.963W, 2216 m. | |
A10198 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Polynoidae | Branchipolynoe | many | A4090 | International waters | -37.792, -110.914 | Greg Rouse | Nerida Wilson | Robert Vrijenhoek | A4090-A1. Originally identified as: Branchipolynoe. Original comments: from Box E/P; Annie's. Dive: A4090. Location: 38S German Flats South EPR. Coordinates, depth: 37-47.999S, 110-54.857W, 2220 m. | ||
A10199 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Polynoidae | Branchipolynoe | many | A4091 | International waters | -37.672, -110.877 | Greg Rouse | Shana Goffredi | Robert Vrijenhoek | A4091-A3. Originally identified as: Branchipolynoe. Original comments: in best shape. Dive: A4091. Location: 38S German Flats South EPR. Coordinates, depth: 37-40.351S, 110-52.617W, 2236 m. | ||
A10200 | Annelida | Polychaeta | T352 | United States | 40.381, -125.383 | Robert Duncan | T352-A1. Originally identified as: mixed lot polychaetes. Dive: T352. Location: Mid Gorda Escarpment. Site description: off wood / rocks. Coordinates, depth: 40.3749258, -125.382187, 1534 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 1588 m. | ||||||
A10201 | Annelida | many | T486 | United States | 36.613, -122.433 | Shana Goffredi | T486-A14. Originally identified as: Green snot worms on whale bone. Dive: T486. Location: whale fall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.7889, 122 26.0142, 2891 m. | ||||||
A10202 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Escarpia | 1 | T548 | Mexico | 27.577, -111.450 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T548-A9A. Originally identified as: Escarpia. Dive: T548. Location: Guaymas Transform Fault GOC. Site description: smooth/trident - long (A), voucher. Coordinates, depth: 27 34.5541, 111 26.8541, 1755.6 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 27 34.6603, 111 27.0083, 1778.7 m. | |||
A10203 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Escarpia | 2 | T548 | Mexico | 27.577, -111.450 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T548-A9A-V2. Originally identified as: Escarpia. Original comments: voucher 2. Dive: T548. Location: Guaymas Transform Fault GOC. Site description: smooth/trident - long (A). Coordinates, depth: 27 34.5541, 111 26.8541, 1755.6 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 27 34.6603, 111 27.0083, 1778.7 m. | |||
A10204 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Terebellida | Ampharetidae | Amphisamytha | galapagensis | T549 | Mexico | 27.012, -111.407 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T549-A6a. Originally identified as: Amphysomytha cf. galapagensis. Dive: T549. Location: Guaymas Hot Vents GOC. Coordinates, depth: 27 0.6961, 111 24.4131, 2006.8 m. | ||
A10205 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | many | T916 | United States | 36.771, -122.083 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T916-A1-1. Originally identified as: Osedax on bone. Original comments: Plate 1; jar 1 of 4 . Dive: T916. Location: Frank Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2919, 122 4.9719, 1019 m. | |||
A10206 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | T916 | United States | 36.771, -122.083 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T916-A14-1. Originally identified as: Osedax. Original comments: for Rouse; vert. Process; Part I of II. Dive: T916. Location: Frank Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2919, 122 4.9719, 1019 m. | ||||
A10207 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | many | T916 | United States | 36.771, -122.083 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T916-A3-2. Originally identified as: Osedax. Original comments: Rib bone; jar 2 of 2 . Dive: T916. Location: Frank Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2919, 122 4.9719, 1019 m. | |||
A10208 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | roseus | 1 | T931 | United States | 36.771, -122.083 | Greg Rouse | Fredrik Pleijel | Robert Vrijenhoek | T931-A2. Originally identified as: Epiphyseal plate w/size classes of oses. Dive: T931. Location: Frank whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2868, 122 4.9679, 1019.2 m. | ||
A10209 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Lamellibrachia | many | V1924 | United States | 36.774, -122.085 | Patrick Whaling | V1924-A1. Originally identified as: Lamellibrachia. Original comments: Steve's Lamella . Dive: V1924. Location: Extravert Cliff. Coordinates, depth: 36.7733282499999, -122.08497687, 1000 m. | |||
A10210 | Annelida | many | T1119 | United States | 36.708, -122.105 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T1119-A5, A9, A11. Originally identified as: telephone worms. Dive: T1119. Location: Patrick whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.5032, 122 6.3077, 1819.8 m. | ||||||
A10211 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Terebellida | Alvinellidae | many | T549 | Mexico | 27.012, -111.407 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T549-A5A. Originally identified as: Alvinellidae. Original comments: Associated fauna included. Dive: T549. Location: Guaymas Hot Vents GOC. Coordinates, depth: 27 0.6961, 111 24.4131, 2006.8 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 27 0.6750, 111 24.4244, 1990 m. | |||
A10212 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Terebellida | Alvinellidae | many | T549 | Mexico | 27.012, -111.407 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T549-A6B. Originally identified as: Alvinellidae. Dive: T549. Location: Guaymas Hot Vents GOC.Coordinates, depth: 27 0.6961, 111 24.4131, 2006.8 m. | |||
A10213 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Hesionidae | Vrijenhoekia | balaenophila | ~20 | T769 | United States | 36.613, -122.433 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T769-A21. Originally identified as: Hessionids- Vrijenhoekia balaenophila. Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m. | |
A10214 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Polynoidae | Branchipolynoe | many | A4093 | International waters | -31.864, -112.044 | Greg Rouse | Robert Vrijenhoek | A4093-Boxa. Originally identified as: 'Branchipolynoe'. Original comments: Bathymodiolus symbionts from Box A. Dive: A4093. Location: 32S Saguaro Field South EPR. Coordinates, depth: 31-51.869S, 112-02.638W, 2235 m. | ||
A10215 | Annelida | Amphinomida? | 10 | D96 | United States | 36.791, -121.887 | Robert Vrijenhoek | D96-A11-1. Originally identified as: 'fire worms '. Original comments: from recovered sediment trap . Dive: D96. Location: Aussie whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36.790493, -121.88694, 381.37 m. | |||||
A10216 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | 8 | T1163 | cow bones | United States | 36.708, -122.105 | Greg Rouse | T1163-CB. Originally identified as: 'mixed lot Osedax'. Original comments: . Dive: T1163. Location: Patrick Whalefall. Site description: from cowbones. Coordinates, depth: 36 42.4965, 122 6.3161, 1819 m. Sequence COI: yes. 8 small vials. Individuals 1...8 in separate 2-ml cryovials . | |||
A10217 | Annelida | 2 clumps | T548 | Mexico | 27.577, -111.450 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T548-A10B. Originally identified as: 'Tubeworms - Tubeworm I.d.'. Original comments: B. Dive: T548. Location: Guaymas Transform Fault GOC. Site description: ridged - small (B). Coordinates, depth: 27 34.5541, 111 26.8541, 1755.6 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 27 34.6636, 111 27.0099, 1777.5 m. | ||||||
A10218 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Escarpia? | 1 | T548 | Mexico | 27.577, -111.450 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T548-A9B. Originally identified as: 'Escarpia?'. Original comments: unid-ed tubeworm. Dive: T548. Location: Guaymas Transform Fault GOC. Site description: smooth/trident - long (A), voucher. Coordinates, depth: 27 34.5541, 111 26.8541, 1755.6 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 27 34.6603, 111 27.0083, 1778.7 m. | |||
A10219 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Polynoidae | Branchinotogluma | T549 | Mexico | 27.012, -111.407 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T549-A1. Originally identified as: 'Branchinogluma'. Original comments: Found in TWB loaned to Craig Smith 3/5/04 (A1 and A5 jars). Dive: T549. Location: Guaymas Hot Vents GOC. Coordinates, depth: 27 0.6961, 111 24.4131, 2006.8 m. Coordinates, depth (alternate version): 27 0.6504, 111 24.4293, 1993 m. | |||
A10220 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Nereididae | 2 | T742 | United States | 36.613, -122.433 | Greg Rouse | Fredrik Pleijel | T742-A3. Originally identified as: 'Nereididae'. Original comments: . Dive: T742. Location: off California Ruby. Coordinates, depth: 36°36.8'N, 122°26.0W, 2891 m. | |||
A10221 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | many | T769 | United States | 36.613, -122.433 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T769-bone. Originally identified as: 'Osedax on bone fragments'. Original comments: . Dive: T769. Location: Ruby Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 36.8140, 122 26.1302, 2893 m. | |||
A10222 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | many | T916 | United States | 36.771, -122.083 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T916-A3-1. Originally identified as: 'Osedax'. Original comments: Rib bone; jar 1 of 2 . Dive: T916. Location: Frank Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2919, 122 4.9719, 1019 m. | |||
A10223 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Sedentaria | Siboglinidae | Osedax | many | T916 | United States | 36.771, -122.083 | Robert Vrijenhoek | T916-A3-3. Originally identified as: 'Osedax'. Original comments: Rib bone; relaxed in MgCl2 . Dive: T916. Location: Frank Whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2919, 122 4.9719, 1019 m. | |||
A10224 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida | Polynoidae | 1 | D84 | United States | 37.374, -123.424 | David Clague | D84-A16. Originally identified as: Polynoidae. Dive: 84. Coordinates, depth: 37.37585, -123.420328, 848.11 m. Oxygen: 0.298. Salinity: 34.331. Temperature: 4.278. Light: 75.5. Image: http://dsg.mbari.org/frameGrabs/Doc%20Ricketts/images/0084/04_29_54_29.jpg. Video: D0084-05HD. Tape time code: 04:29:54:29. Associations: comment | self | in T3, sample-reference | self | D84-A16, sampled-by | Suction Sampler | nil. Scales subsampled in 2 ml ethanol, -20C. | |||
A10225 | Annelida | Polychaeta | 1 | D84 | United States | 37.374, -123.424 | David Clague | D84-A28. Originally identified as: Polychaeta. Original comments: brittles and worms. Dive: 84. Coordinates, depth: 37.369789, -123.410335, 1005.77 m. Oxygen: 0.42. Salinity: 34.381. Temperature: 3.741. Light: 75.56. Image: http://dsg.mbari.org/frameGrabs/Doc%20Ricketts/images/0084/00_51_54_09.jpg. Video: D0084-01HD. Tape time code: 00:51:54:09. Associations: population-quantity | self | 2, sample-reference | self | D84-A28a, sampled-by | manipulator | nil. Posterior subsampled. Brittle star removed and cataloged separately as E7485. Subsampled in 2 ml ethanol, -20C. | |||||
A10226 | Annelida | Polychaeta | 1 | D84 | United States | 37.374, -123.424 | David Clague | D84-A30. Originally identified as: Polychaeta. Dive: 84. Coordinates, depth: 37.37147, -123.422591, 884.6 m. Oxygen: 0.302. Salinity: 34.332. Temperature: 4.221. Light: 78.65. Image: http://dsg.mbari.org/frameGrabs/Doc%20Ricketts/images/0084/06_48_22_26.jpg. Video: D0084-07HD. Tape time code: 06:48:22:26. Associations: population-quantity | self | 999, sample-reference | self | D84-A30, sampled-by | manipulator | nil. Subsampled in 2 ml ethanol, -20C. |