Porifera | Demospongiae | Poecilosclerida |
Cladorhizidae |
BI-2019-003, #RVC
T487-A7. Originally identified as: 'Sea pen'. Dive: T487 . Location: Bend near Natl Park. Previously catalogued as Co3246 Pennatuloidea; assigned new number W2560.
Monterey Submarine Canyon
36.5631° N
122.2929° W
2445.4 m
Oct. 10, 2002
ROV Tiburon
R/V Western Flyer
Robert Vrijenhoek
Charlotte Seid
EtOH 50%
This record represents the average ROV latitude, average ROV longitude, and maximum depth for the dive. Collector indicates Chief Scientist. US EEZ, federal waters.