Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida
Hesionidae Neogyptis? sp. SIO_BIC_W5347
Genus Species

BI-2024-10, SP2407, #DDTresearch



Core depth: 0 cm, picked from top of sediment. Ethanol: anterior fragment in 2 ml. Photos, Canon T6i with Leica MZ12.5 +1.0x lens: x2.5: 6086...6088, 6094, 6095, 6103...6105; x63: 6089...6093, 6096...6102. Field identification by C. Seid: fragile hesionid?, maybe same as W73? Field notes: female, spewed eggs, salt crystals stuck to chaetae upon fixation.

(image not available)

SP2407 Station 15

San Pedro Basin

33.5179° N
118.3804° W

906.7 m

May 19, 2024


R/V Sproul

Charlotte Seid

Charlotte Seid

EtOH 95%

EtOH 95%

US EEZ, federal waters. Coordinates and time reflect MET file data for tension minimum, indicative of instrument reaching the seafloor.