Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Eunicida

BI-2024-11, AT50-24, #MethaneFootprints



Dive: AD5280. Verbatim event: Slurp 2+3. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Onuphidae. Formalin: anterior. Ethanol: posterior. Other: piece to Lisa Levin for isotopes. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 6307-6316 x?.

(image not available)

AD5280 | S2 and S3


53.7488° N
162.5892° W

2023.0 m

June 2, 2024

HOV Alvin

R/V Atlantis

Kira Homola, Yongzho Guo

Greg Rouse

formalin 20% sw

EtOH 50%

AT50-24. Sample ID: AD5280-S2. Event log entry: periphery north. Sample type: Suction. Altitude: 3.54 m. Heading: 215.7. Activity level: Less Active. Depth: 2022.99 m. Lat, lon: 53.7487614, -162.5891554. Sample ID: AD5280-S3. Event log entry: periphery north. Sample type: Suction. Altitude: 3.52 m. Heading: 215.74. Activity level: Less Active. Depth: 2022.97 m. Lat, lon: 53.7487621, -162.5891563.