Arthropoda Pycnogonida

BI-2024-11, AT50-24, #MethaneFootprints



Dive: AD5278. Verbatim event: Rock 1. Field identification by Greg Rouse: pycnogonid. Photos, Leica MZ12.5 + Canon EOS M6: 5748-5755 x0.8. Field notes: male; another individual from Slurp 1 photographed (5820-5825 x0.8) and given to Shana Goffredi.

(image not available)

AD5278 | R1


53.7486° N
162.5897° W

2018.7 m

May 31, 2024

HOV Alvin

R/V Atlantis

Tina Treude, Emily Klonicki

Greg Rouse

EtOH 95%

EtOH 95%

AT50-24. Sample ID: AD5278-R1. Event log entry: Site 1 - carbonate into Biobox 2 and 16. Sample type: Rock. Altitude: 2.35 m. Heading: 189.53. Activity level: Active.