Echinodermata Holothuroidea Elasipodida
Elpidiidae Peniagone

BI-2024-11, AT50-24, #MethaneFootprints



Dive: AD5273. Verbatim event: Sl 5. Field identification by Greg Rouse: Peniagone. Ethanol: subsample, voucher. Other: two vials frozen at -80C; isotope sample to Lisa Levin. Photos: macro. Field notes: originally noted as Scotoplanes?.

(image not available)

AD5273 | S5


57.4552° N
148.0015° W

4820.4 m

May 25, 2024

HOV Alvin

R/V Atlantis

Olivia Pereira, Emilia Bravo

Greg Rouse

EtOH 95%

EtOH 50%

AT50-24. Sample ID: AD5273-S5. Event log entry: background, , with sea cucumber. Sample type: Suction. Altitude: 2.9 m. Heading: 304.34. Activity level: Inactive.