
BI-2019-003, #RVC



RVC-9309, A1. Originally identified as: 'Sponges'. Vrijenhoek database comments: '"1 bunch in ethanol, some frozen"'. Dive: T555. Location: 21 N - Clam Acres. Coordinates, depth: 20 49.8320, 109 6.1943, 2604.6 m. Originally frozen at -80C; subsamples at -80C and in 95% EtOH; voucher in 50% EtOH.

(image not available)


21N, East Pacific Rise, Clam Acres

20.83° N
109.1° W

2604.0 - 2606.0 m

April 13, 2003

ROV Tiburon

R/V Western Flyer

Greg Rouse

Robert C. Vrijenhoek


EtOH 50%

Coordinates and depths represent specimen collection data from dive logs or other cruise participant notes. Average ROV latitude and longitude: (20.8432338, -109.09987824). Maximum depth for the dive: 2614.82 m. Chief Scientist: Bob Vrijenhoek. Mexican EEZ.