Porifera |
BI-2017-026, #VTC
002-TVG, non-vent
Submarine volcano between Vate and Erromango. Ridge: New Hebrides Arc. Segment: Vate Trough. Field: TVG02.
18.1922° S
168.8339° E
288.0 m
July 7, 2013
ROV Quest (TV grab)
R/V Sonne
Karsten Haase
Jonathan Rose
EtOH 95%
EtOH 50%
R/V Sonne cruise SO-229, "Volcanism, hydrothermal activity and vent biology in the Coriolis Troughs, New Hebrides Island Arc". See cruise report Haase et al. 2013 for any additional details: https://www.tib.eu/suchen/id/awi:doi~10.2312%252Fcr_so229/