Mollusca Bivalvia Myida




Xylo10E. Site WF1, wood fall # 7, tag color W.

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Site WF1, Tag W

Wood fall, Gulf of Mexico, off Louisiana

27.1355° N
89.9272° W

2171.0 m

Feb. 15, 2019

ROV Global Explorer

R/V Pelican

Craig McClain and party

Craig McClain

EtOH 95%

EtOH 95%

Experimental wood falls were deployed in May 2017: 11 Pinus elliotti and 12 Celtis laevigata. Trees were fresh cut and logs dried to a moisture of ~15%. Logs were sewn into a synthetic fiber mesh bag to enable subsequent collection of highly degraded wood falls (5 mm mesh, ensuring larval settlement was not hindered). At each site, wood falls were dispersed ~5m apart. Wood falls were collected in February of 2019 after 21 months. Wood falls were immediately preserved in 80% ETOH and all macroinvertebrates subsequently removed and identified. Originally entered coordinates (27.13499, -89.92435) synonymized with WF1 official coordinates.