Mollusca Aplacophora | Solenogastres (Neomeniomorpha)

FK210726, BI-2021-015, #DDTresearch



FK21-336. Field notes: Aplacophora 1; 2 specimens: one ethanol/isotopes, one PFA; isotope vial A6453. Event: SCB-303, S2. Photos: 4010-4024 x2.

(image not available)

S0451, SCB-303, Barrel 2, S2

Waste Barrel Site 2, San Pedro Basin

33.5661° N
118.4257° W

885.3 m

Aug. 4, 2021

ROV SuBastian

R/V Falkor

Greg Rouse | Nicolas Mongiardino Koch

Greg Rouse

EtOH 95%

EtOH 95%

Dive log comments (verbatim): Barrel 2; JAR 2 Biology. Field notes ~890 m. Originally entered as 'DDT Barrel Site 2' but edited to reflect unknown contents of barrel.