Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Spionida
Poecilochaetidae Poecilochaetus

BI-2019-007, MR18-06



EP19-0002. Found in three pieces: two middle sections and posterior, no head. Ethanol material: pieces (2 ml). Photos: Leica S8Apo, no 0.63x lens, x2.0 (all pieces): 8888...8912, x5.0 or x8.0 (individual pieces): 8913...27. Of best individual photos, only 8927 is x8.0 and the others are x5.0. Representative photo: IMG_8908_small.JPG.

main image for catalog


Chile Trench

25.6412° S
71.5477° W

7742.0 m

Jan. 30, 2019


R/V Mirai

Charlotte Seid

Greg Rouse

EtOH 95%

EtOH 95%

Cruise MR18-06 Leg 3. Cores 1 and 2 pooled. Core 1: 26.0 cm. Core 2: 26.5 cm. Top 5 cm resuspended in cold seawater, sieved over 250 um mesh, and live-sorted. Water temperature in cores reached 25C during the long processing time, 47 minutes after recovery on deck. Light-brown fine mud. Data from official multicore report. This station is in the Chilean EEZ.