Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida

FK181005, BI-2018-030



FK18-0209. Ethanol material: 1 (2 ml). Ampharetid, badly damaged in ethanol. Photos: Leica S8Apo +0.63x: 2119-2123 x1.0.

(image not available)

S0171 | Biobox 5

Fossil Hill

33.841° N
118.689° W

697.4 m

Oct. 14, 2018

ROV SuBastian

R/V Falkor

Emily McLaughlin | Jessica Pruitt

Charlotte Seid

EtOH 95%

EtOH 95%

Biobox 5 (same as "Biobox 3-5" in event logger). Event logger: S0171-009 (sponge @697.4 meters - very long with white fibers from under sediment), S0171-010 (sea pen with brittle stars attached - @697.4 meters).