Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida
Alvinellidae Paralvinella bactericola
Genus Species

FK210922, BI-2022-13, permit PPFE/DGOPA-090/21



GC21-068. Event: push core. Originally identified as: Paralvinella bactericola. Preservation: ethanol 2 ml; 3 vials frozen at -80C (FF07287390 head, FF08846712, FF08846676). Photos, Leica MZ12.5 microscope + Canon Rebel T7i camera: 6612-6616 x1.25. Field notes: alive.

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S0474 | push core

Dianne's Vent, Auka Vent Field

23.9551° N
108.8634° W

3655.0 m

Nov. 2, 2021

ROV SuBastian

R/V Falkor

G. Rouse

G. Rouse



Multiple push cores collected on this dive. Coordinates reflect combination of all. Depths 3636.36-3636.47 m. S0474-PC8 2021-11-02, 17:38:57, 23.95509466 ddeg, -108.86341408 ddeg, INS 3636.47 m, Paro 3655.21 m, text: "Push core 8 with Xenophyophore." S0474-PC9 2021-11-02, 19:22:24, 23.95482196 ddeg, -108.86302155 ddeg, INS 3636.4 m, Paro 3655.13 m, text: "In orange peachy mat. same mat as PC12. polycarbonate, quick dip." S0474-PC10 2021-11-02, 19:27:10, 23.95482091 ddeg, -108.86302222 ddeg, INS 3636.36 m, Paro 3655.1 m, text: "In white mat, probably will be paired with PC11 and HT-02. Can see white mat on top when collecting. Hot. Polycarbonate tube. In same area as PC9 and PC12 (NOT same mat) - they are in peach mat very close by." S0474-PC12 2021-11-02, 19:54:01, 23.95481772 ddeg, -108.86302222 ddeg, INS 3636.37 m, Paro 3655.06 m, text: "Associated with HT 3 (failed) and HT4 possibly (same orange mat, but far apart from PC12 location). associated with PC9 possibly as well. film left in fot 34 mins." S0474-PC11 2021-11-02, 19:54:51, 23.9548176 ddeg, -108.86302248 ddeg, INS 3636.39 m, Paro 3655.07 m, text: "Associated with HT2 and PC10. Aluminum core. no film." Use Paro rather than INS depth for inter-cruise consistency.